Review Wire Media and Chatty Patty’s Place have it again! They have put together another hop that we can all fall in love with. I always love taking part in these hops because it gives my readers a chance to connect with new blogs. I always check out the different blogs as well. Sometimes I find one or two tat I follow regularly.

I know I have told y’all before how much we love our Amazon Prime membership. It is the one thing we couldn’t live without. Anytime I need to get something quickly I know I can tell Alexa or just pop onto the app and get it on its way. I love that. I have several wish lists on there as well.
Items that I buy often using Prime Pantry I keep in one list I call “pantry” so that I can easily find them again. It just makes sense to me. I also have travel lists, book lists, and so many more. I knew that giving someone a year of Prime would be the best gift. Even if you have it already you can still add the gift to your account if you win. It will save you a little money in the long run.
Please note: all blogs are responsible for their own giveaways.
Enter below for your chance to win a year of Amazon Prime on me. Giveaway is OPEN to US Only. ENDS February 15, 2019 at 11:59 pm EST
Take a couple of minutes and enter all of the giveaways that the other bloggers are running as well. You never know what you may win. Good Luck!
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Thanks for the awesome giveaway! =)
Thanks for the awesome giveaway! =)
Thank for you for amazing chance.
@tisonlyme143 commented here. I am a horrible typist and for some reasn couldnt edit my comment ha!
Oops. I think I pasted in the wrong tweet URL for today’s entry. I did tweet about this cool giveaway, and the URL should be:
Sorry about that. I wish Rafflecopter allowed editing of entries like they used to!
My tweet went in for 2/13 and only had the first half, I saw it after I hit it the whole tweet for that day is: