I know I have done get to know me posts in the past. We have a lot of new readers and I thought it would be fun to do something a little similar today. A short meet me post for all of the new people and you may find something new for those who have been here since the beginning.
10 Fun Things You May Not Know About Me
- I wash my hands way more than I should. I have OCD which means if I even feel like my hands are dirty I wash them. It can be inconvenient sometimes but I carry wipes and hand sanitizer around to help with this. I try to appear as normal as possible but sometimes my OCD makes me look weirder than I am. Who am I kidding? I am as weird as they come.
- I went to high school and was in chorus with a country music star. I won’t name who but my sister in-law always gets a huge kick out watching old chorus concerts of us together. In fact, she had a magazine once that had a picture of the guy in a “Can You Guess” sort of thing. She said even if she didn’t recognize him she would have known who he was because I was sitting next to him at the picnic table.
- I like puzzles of all kinds. I am one of those weird people that does the New York Time crossword in ink. I like to put together puzzles and any sort of mystery game is right up my alley. I don’t know why but I have always been the kid that did the puzzles in the newspaper. Used to dive my dad up a wall that I would do them before he had a chance to even look at them.
- I’m Southern but I hate most southern dishes. Things that every southern person enjoys like apple pie and fried green tomatoes I can’t stand. I like to make them but I don’t eat them ever. I am not a baked fruit kind of gal. It’s a texture thing for me.
- I love my pizza pretty basic. I get either all cheese or pepperoni on it and that is it. It stems from growing up and my dad (god bless him) always ordering pizza with everything on it. I don’t like a lot of the things that come on those and I always had a little pile of uneaten stuff on my plate. I swore when I grew up I was only going to eat pizza my way.
- I used to be a catechism teacher. If you aren’t Catholic then this is just a Sunday school teacher. I know it’s hard to believe but I was for many years. It was something I thought I would enjoy and I taught 3rd grade kids. I loved it and was sad when I stopped but we moved and my new church already had enough teachers.
- I have a love/hate relationship with Instagram. I love to look at posts and follow plenty of people I enjoy but there are times I feel super judged or like my life is such a disaster compared to others. It is an ongoing battle. That being said I love the things that make me laugh there like little kids. They make my day.
- I gave myself salmonella once. It was awful! I thought I was dying. I worked at the grocery store and for some reason I didn’t wash my hands after ringing up some chicken. I thought I was dying. To make matters worse my brother dropped me off at the hospital and my dad was going to pick me up after I got done at the ER. I got treated and went downstairs to wait for my dad in the employee outside break area. My mom (who worked at the hospital) found me asleep on the bathroom floor. I don’t know what they gave me but I couldn’t hold my head and at one point a lady asked if I needed to go to the ER. I told her I had already been.
- I once had a job where I helped with animal autopsies for a state crime lab. It was awful! I would come home and cry every single day. One day I came home and told my dad I needed to quit. The pay was good but I just couldn’t do the job anymore. People were cruel and I felt like my heart was breaking every day. He said honestly I lasted longer than he thought I would. He didn’t think that was the job for me but wanted me to make that decision for myself.
- I onced jumped out of a moving car on purpose. I was about thirteen or so and my older brother was driving up and down our road. He wouldn’t stop the car and I wanted out so I opened the door and got out. Not the smartest thing to do. I was lucky, I could have been hurt very badly. Luckily, I missed the tree and ended up landing on my knees. I couldn’t stand up straight for a few days and we told my parents I fell to get the mail and hit the side of the pavement. I still have the scars on both knees. Don’t worry our parents found out what really happened when our sister rated us out. The little snitch!
Want to know more? Then check out the 25 Days of Me that I did back in 2021. They are a great way to learn a lot of little things about me.
I love these! I’m also a puzzle fan
We have a lot in common. I am Catholic and so is my husband. He is referred to as ‘Father What a Waste’. He was almost a priest. His sister is a sister. She graduated college and went straight to a convent. She’s a cloistered nun. She’s been there for almost 30 years. We married as an older couple with no children. I have 3 grown daughters and he has never had any kids.
I wanted to be a veterinarian, and when I graduated high school, I was hired as at an animal hospital. I lasted 3 days, and I quit because of all the sadness. People would have to put their pet to sleep, and I was sobbing harder than they were.
Thank you for sharing your ten things! I too am a huge fan of puzzles, I love jigsaw puzzles, the more pieces, the better and crosswords, Sudoku, logic problems and mathematical equations (although I never made it passed Calc 1), I love plain pizza as well, nothing but extra cheese for me as pepperoni gives me awful heartburn. I am an obsessive hand-washer and I was also in chorus in high school and in the church choir as a young girl. Although I did not jump out of a moving car, I did fall out of one. We were in my brother-in-law’s car and the passenger-side door’s lock was broken, my husband took a turn and the door popped open and I rolled out onto the street! I had gravel embedded in my palms, knees and hip and nightmare images of traffic coming at me until I rolled to the side of the road! Needless to say, I ALWAYS wear a seat-belt now…
What an interesting person you are! And to know that you have a lovely voice is really nice. I think it’s wonderful that you taught catechism, maybe soon the church will need another teacher. And I don’t blame you crying about the animal autopsies —I give you a lot of credit there – I never would have lasted one day on that job. ((((((HUGS))))))
I love getting to know the people I follow better! It makes me feel closer to them. Thank you for sharing!! I wish I could guess the country music star!
Love this! 🙂 Here’s 3 about me:
I don’t drive (never learned how & don’t really need to)
I love cooking! Love, love, love it. It relaxes me so much! But hate doing clean up & dishes after ! LOL
I speak 5 languages & worked as an interpreter for years! 🙂
What a list wow! I love these get to know you posts!!
Thanks for sharing a little more about yourself. I agree with you on the pizza. The less on it the better.
I’m a retired IT professional who is down to 3 senior cats including Luciano who celebrated his 20th birthday this past fall.
I’m a big fan of puzzles too. They help me relax and clear my mind of anything that’s been stressing me. It’s neat that you went to school with someone who became famous!
@Audrey—if you ever read the humor book GROWING UP CATHOLIC (I think it’s in the first of the series), there’s a whole Father What A Waste character bio. Stephen Colbert apparently teaches catechism too, I always wondered what his classes would be like!
Thanks for sharing I love puzzles and pizza too.
I enjoyed reading this post thanks for sharing. I like puzzles and pizza too oh and I was my hands wayyyyy too much too.
This is a great list! Thanks for sharing! I’m pretty basic with my pizza too! & I love all kinds of puzzles. & I could never do animal autopsies! I’m a big baby no I couldn’t. 😂😂