I am sure that most of you have either read the book or seen the movie by now. If you have not read the book then I highly recommend it. There are two quotes in that book that changed my life. The book is full of wonderful quotes but for me these two impacted me. I should start by saying I watched the movie first and enjoyed it but didn’t actually read the book until last year.
“Do not apologize for crying. Without this emotion, we are only robots.”
Eat, Pray, Love
I cannot begin to tell you how many times I have apologized for crying. I don’t know why it is just something about who I am as a person. It could be a past trauma but it is something I have always done. I cry fairly easily as well which has caused me a lot of grief over the years. Now, I don’t apologize for it anymore. I don’t apologize that my emotions may make someone uncomfortable.
Which I know can sound rude but as someone who spent her entire life trying to please everyone around her only to be told I’m not enough or I don’t measure up in some way. That my feelings or emotions don’t matter as much as someone else’s I refuse to be sorry for it anymore. I spent years, decades really, crying alone in the dark because I didn’t want to make someone else uncomfortable or that I didn’t want to put someone else out.
“Let me ask you something, in all the years that you have…undressed in front of a gentleman has he ever asked you to leave? Has he ever walked out and left? No? It’s because he doesn’t care! He’s in a room with a naked girl, he just won the lottery. I am so tired of saying no, waking up in the morning and recalling every single thing I ate the day before, counting every calorie I consumed so I know just how much self loathing to take into the shower. I’m going for it. I have no interest in being obese, I’m just through with the guilt. So this is what I’m going to do, I’m going to finish this pizza, and then we are going to go watch the soccer game, and tomorrow we are going to go on a little date and buy ourselves some bigger jeans.”
Eat, Pray, Love
This right here is something every girl and woman needs to live by! My years of dieting and stressing about left me with an eating disorder. We need to normalize that it is okay to gain a few pounds here or there. It is natural and not the end of the world. Now, I’m not saying run out and gain thirty pounds today but I don’t stress about what I am going to eat anymore.
If I want that cupcake I am eating that cupcake. If there is food left on my plate because I got full then there is food left on my plate. I found that real men don’t make horrible remarks about a woman’s body because they are mature and understand that life happens. Our bodies change and fill out in different ways. I once had someone I went to high school with say that he certainly would have remembered me when he met me for what he thought was the first time.
I lived near one another and rode the same bus for four years. I had gained some weight when we met again. However, he had grown and matured and saw me through adult eyes and not those of a teenager. It made me look at myself a little differently and gave me a bit of myself back.
Those two quotes really stood out for me. Did you see the movie or read the book? Have any quotes that are your favorites? Did any make you see yourself or the world differently? Drop a comment and let us know.
I will have to read the book I think I would like that better. I saw the movie but I am not a Julia Roberts fan so I didn’t get that into the movie.
I still haven’t read it, looks like I should!
Wonderful book
I confess that I haven’t read the book or seen the movie. These quotes are great though and if I ever do read the book I’ll share my favorite quotes with you
I’ve never read it but I tried watching the movie on TV and the way Julia Roberts was acting irked me so I stopped watching.
I loved this movie. I don’t know if you watch any of Housewives on BravoTV, anytime a husband or boyfriend talk poorly about a woman’s appearance, they are called out for that and be called childish for trashing a woman’s looks. Then social media and all the blogs tell him a thing or two. This scenario played out in Legally Blonde also.
I loved the movie and it’s a great philosophy.
I am a big fan of the book/movie – it’s always resonated with me and made me want to jump outside my comfort zones to FEEL something and do something bigger than myself in life.