Most of us don’t want to intrude on our health professional of choice just for a sore throat or a bit of a toothache. Often it’s much cheaper and more efficient to treat problems from home, even when you feel like you’re falling apart. There are certain common types of aches and pains which are fine when self-medicated, but if you’re really worried about something, it’s worth getting a professional opinion. If the pain is stopping you sleeping, or showing no signs of letting up after 24 hours, visit your doctor or dentist like https://paramusdentalarts.com/ for advice. Otherwise, here are four common types of aches and pains, and exactly how you can help yourself.
Period cramps
Quick disclaimer: if your cramps at that time of the month are so bad you struggle to work or sleep, or you feel nauseous or feverish, visit your doctor – don’t suffer in silence. If you just get that general pain, grumpiness, bloating and discomfort that most women get, it’s time to self-medicate. First things first, take some anti-inflammatories – they work wonders at soothing the cause of the pain. Then it’s time for a hot water bottle, either at the bottom of your tummy or on your lower back, whatever helps. Light exercise and stretching really can help, but so can curling up in front of the television with Netflix and chocolate – you do you.
There are not many pains on earth that equal the pain of a wisdom tooth coming through, but there isn’t a whole lot your doctor can do about it, short of a painful and unnecessary extraction. But all is not lost. Do you want wisdom tooth pain relief? Use these remedies. They’re all natural, like salt water and cloves, and they’re great for taking the edge off the pain, and cleaning the area up. The problem with wisdom teeth is that they can easily become infected as the broken skin is exposed to the bacteria in your mouth, so keeping the area clean is the key to avoiding problems and lessening pain.
A sore throat
When you’ve got a cold and a sore throat, there is no point in going to visit your doctor, but it can be really uncomfortable and quite tiresome while you wait for it to clear up on its own. There are a few things you can do to take the edge off. Eating New Zealand Manuka Honey has been known to soothe sore throats due to its anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Gargling with warm salt water will help to reduce the infection and clear up any gunk that’s hanging around. Then it’s a case of eating ice cream (it’s soothing, honestly!), drinking lemon and ginger tea, and making sure you stay hydrated. Anti-inflammatory over the counter drugs are the best thing for helping to ease the discomfort long term.
When there’s no point going to your doctor about an ache or pain, it doesn’t mean it doesn’t need treating; it just means that they can’t treat it with medication so you might as well treat it from home. There are plenty of over the counter painkillers which are great, but try some herbal remedies too – you might be pleasantly surprised.
We used your remedy for the toothache. My husband has one, but he does have a dental appointment on Monday morning.
Will be using this for when I get another sore throat. Seems like I get it every year
I’ve tried the clove remedy for toothaches. It does seem to work wonders.