Many people feel insecure or like they’re starting from scratch when pivoting their career path towards a new direction, but the truth is that doing so is completely natural, normal, and much more common than you think. In fact, it’s relatively uncommon for people to choose one thing and then stick at that for their entire lifetime. So no matter how old you are, and no matter your prior experience, we’re sure you have good reasons for moving forward in this way.
With that in mind, then, it’s worth considering how pivoting a career path can work for you, someone who wishes to start again and gain new skills. It’s easy to say ‘move forward with confidence and never turn down an opportunity,’ but it’s harder to do that in a real, practical sense.
For this reason, then, we hope to discuss a few techniques you can make practical use of, allowing you to not only progress, but to gain insight regarding the path you’re considering and how to move forward through it with care. Without further ado, let’s consider how to achieve that, below:
What Inspired You To Pivot?
It’s good to ask yourself why you want the change, so you can know what to avoid or chase in the next direction you decide on. If you were tired of dealing with dangerous situations after going through litigation assisted by an oilfield lawyer, then it may be you’re looking for better management and accountability in your work. Perhaps you wish to work outside, or you’re finally giving your dreams a go because it’s now or never to do so. A fair inventory will help your motivations to no end.
What Kind Of Lifestyle Are You Looking For?
Jobs almost always come with lifestyles associated with them, after all we tend to spend at least a third to half of our days at work. If you don’t mind sitting behind a desk due to the range of tasks you get to enjoy that day, then, that might be fine. For others, working in an aquatic environment, such as by joining the local coast guard, can be a tremendously valuable lifestyle to live. Think about how involved you wish to be in the social life of your work – for instance, some jobs, even such as going into the military reserves, will cause you to make friends and social connections in that world for quite some time.
Perform Capable Research Into The Industry
It’s good to perform capable and helpful research into the industry you wish to be part of, because odds are you have some misconceptions about it. For instance, it can seem quite glamorous to work on professional film sets, but often these are run like tight operations, the days can be long, and the internal politics take some wisdom to navigate. For some, this can be inspiring, for others, not so much. Speaking to past employees or reading online reviews from employees who worked for certain brands can be a great place to start.
With this advice, you’re sure to pivot a career path in the healthiest possible direction.