I posted this one before but it is still true of me now. This was from a list of thirty prompts that I shared and then answered each one. This one was Weird things you do when you’re alone. I listed a couple of things an thought I would go back and share them a little bit more. Maybe expand on them.
I do all sorts of weird things when I am alone because to be honest it is the only time I can do them. The weirdest thing I do is talk out loud to myself. This is something I have always done but when other people are around I tend to do it in my head. When I am alone I carry on full conversations with myself. No, I am not crazy (I’ve been tested! -funny story for another time) Ever since I was a small child I would talk to myself. Now as an adult I still do and lots of times this talking to myself helps me sort out a problem.
I have no idea why I feel the need to talk out loud to myself when no one is around. Although I will admit that as I’ve gotten older the more I do this whether people are around or not. I don’t mumble to myself though. this is something I have noticed my mother doing more and more. I have no idea why but she mumbles under her breath a lot. Sometimes I can understand what she is saying which peeves her off. Most of the time though I can’t.
The other thing I do when I am alone is more gross than weird but when I am alone bodily functions tend to not be monitored as much as when people are around. Before you say “EEWW!!” You know you do it too. When I am alone I just feel like who cares and if it happens it happens. Again, as I’ve gotten older they slip out more and more. The truth is when I am alone I just don’t care about this sort of thing. Although my friend is worse than I could ever be. she was in church last Sunday and just let something fly. Now, I don’t know about y’all but my church has cathedral ceilings and those babies echo like you wouldn’t believe.
Not to mention wooden benches without any sort of padding on them. I would have just died! Once when I was younger I passed gas as I was kneeling down in the middle of church. I was so embarrassed. It just slipped out before I could stopped. To make matters wore my brothers, father, uncles, and grandfather were all silently laughing. It was like wanted everyone in the church to know it came from our row. Bunch of punks! It was one of my most embarrassing church moments. Not the most but one of them.
Ha Ha I like the second one. Hey you are not alone with the talking to self. I do it all the time. I find that it helps me sort out problems and helps me learn thing better when I talk out loud. I like myself saying it so I can hear it and understand it.
Hehe, the bodily functions comment cracks me up because we are all guilty of that when alone. Being home alone all the time with the kids makes it easier for me to stay in my pajamas most of the day. Of course, I try to have it together before my husband comes home from work so I can at least look like I accomplished something!
Lol I talk to myself to when I’m alone it actually does help a great deal, and agree with the bodily functions but I think that applies to EVERYONE lol. Well I wouldn’t consider it weird but I sing and dance when I’m alone especially in the shower ive been caught by hubby before 😉
First of all, I don’t think talking to yourself when you’re alone is weird. I think it’s a very common habit for many people. I do it, my wife does it, and all of the roommates I’ve ever had have fessed up to it, as well.
As for myself, I find myself doing martial arts moves and practicing dance moves when I am alone. 🙂
I talk to myself all the time- my husband is a quiet soul and it beats boredom 🙂 Probably the other thing I do when alone is sing to the cats .
The bodily function………… wait til you get older, you wont care who is there!
I talk to myself, not just like oh i need to do this, I picture like a future goal getting achieved and what people what say, and I say it to myself. It’s a great form of encouragment.
Talking your problems outloud or processing your thoughts I feel are normal. I don’t do it myself, but I do process my thoughts internally. Hmm, but you are brave for talking about the bodily functions here; I’ll give you that! Pretty funny stuff, blushing here!
Diana C
I am hardly EVER alone anymore:0 But I always got the evil eye from my mom when I’d crack my knuckles. I find myself sometimes doing that when I am alone and then look around with a kind of habit looking for my mom:) She still would say do NOT do that! She always said your knuckles would get big if you did this, SO I had a conversation with my sister (1 year older than me) when I was about 12…about how I thought it over and would not crack my “ring” finger knuckle because I would not want an ugly ring finger when my I was proposed to. I would feel my ring size would be SO huge! Oh my gosh, habits die hard and such silly memories from 40 years ago! And BTW, my knuckles are NOT big at all. Now my mom says if you do that you’ll get arthritis. Have to google that one;)
When I’m alone, I daydream a lot.
I so talk to myself out loud too when I’m alone and don’t care what people think about it. I have to have major alone time feel smothered if I am around people allllllllllllll of the time. This was a fun one to read.
I don’t think I’m ever alone? I have 9 cats and I talk to them constantly. I always have things to do, so I stay busy. I think I just talk to the cats to justify talking to myself.
I like alone time. I am always to myself out loud.
Talking to yourself isn’t so bad!
I’m cackling at the cathedral ceilings making everything louder… LOL
Alone time is definitely important for so many reasons.
I talk to myself sometimes!