Day 15 — Something that never fails to make you feel better. This one is super easy, it is the wonderful man that is all mine. It does not matter how bad my day is, how much I cry, or how many times I say “It is more than I can take”, all he has to do is speak and my day is better.
I know many of you are thinking why didn’t i say my children and they do make me smile. Years ago I heard a sermon from a preacher who said that he and wife put each other above all else because in order to make their children happy they must first make each other happy. It made perfect sense to me and it is what I do at all times. Edgar comes first in my life because it is through our love for and happiness with each other that the rest of lives fall into place. He can call me in the middle of the day and things just seem to get better.
Beautiful! My Hubz makes me happy, too. Our kids are grown and away from home now. Even though the youngest still needs some boosting now an then (hes just getting started), the rest are independent and successful. I have two grand-kids (more expected), but they live in a different state right now. So it’s Hub and me mostly—as it should be. I love and adore my kids and grands without measure or reason, but Hubz and I are the core. And we do and say things to each other to make us feel happy.
That’s the way I feel about hubby, like today I’m sick and he’s already called a handful of times to ask me how I’m feeling, what I want him to make for dinner, and he rented a movie for tonight. He says I’m the backbone in our family but to me he’s the one I wouldn’t be able to do it without him.
I hope these hubbies know how much they are appreciated! I have a great one too. He does super sweet things like come home for lunch and wash all the pots and pans and dishes I didn’t get to the night before so I come home to a clean kitchen. It’s the “little” things like that that show how much someone loves you. And no matter how lousy a day I’ve had, I love picking my three year old up from daycare. When she sees me she shouts “Mama” and RUNS to jump into my arms and hug me. Makes me feel like a rock star.
“in order to make their children happy they must first make each other happy. ”
Coming from a divorced household, this is so true.
I’ll have to agree with you on this subject, my newly acquired boyfriend always makes me happy. Even when we were just friends, he always knew what to say, and he can read me like a book. Oh and Simpsons, that makes me happy too, hahaha
Cuddling with my beloved wife always makes me feel better!
That is so beautiful, and I agree. You and your husband are the foundation of your family. I wish you happiness.
For me, its the simple things that can turn around a rough day. A movie with some popcorn; even if its a rented movie and microwave popcorn.
If everyone had the same mindset as you two and the preacher with such wisdom, there would be many more happy marriages.
My hubby and I have had our ups and downs, but one thing we have never forgotten is to hold hands. In the car, watching a movie, even visiting at someone’s house…it is just habit. It is hard to be mad at someone when you are holding their hand.
I have a handful of kids and sometimes the work of raising them is tough. But everyday I look at what and WHO they have become, from tiny helpless little ones to intelligent, healthy, good humored, committed and hard working beings, and just wonder how did I get so lucky? I’d like to think I had something to do with it but really, I know they were GOD made through and through. Nothing so perfect can be anything other. How can you not be happy to have a part of THAT in your lives!
I love this! It is so true. After almost 24 years of marriage, I am still crazy about my husband. He is my best friend and always there for me.
Sleeping! Gets all the bad thoughts away