Day 26 — Who/what can’t you live without? Explain.
This is very easy, God. While having to live my life without my family would be devastating I would survive (just barely but I would.) Please bear with me as I explain. To live my life without God would be to walk into the darkness and never have a light. the unknown would be more than I could take. God is who has given all the wonderful things in life that make it worth living. So a life without him is no life at all.
I agree. And thank you for sharing your thoughts on God. God is my anchor and he is so much a part of my life. When I am both thankful and in need of guidance, I look to him.
Diana C
I can’t imagine not having some belief system. If it’s god or something else. I know for me it is very important.
My parents, they are a huge part of my life!
My children. I would continue to exist if I lost them, but I can’t imagine feeling alive without them. *Shivers*
i love these days of me. i will have to start this next month for myself.
I agree with you totally. although sometimes I dont connect like could or should as much, and let others step in as my number 1’s…my husband, kids, family. I guess I feel most of my life that HE gave me the others to give me purpose and happiness. I can and have lived without many in my life, like as in passing of my dad. But I know HE is the one that got me though that and all my struggles. And has brought me the biggest joys by putting the people in my path I needed to have. WHAT can I not live without? Not much. In getting older most people learn that the things of life are merely that…things. But as I sit now I don’t know if I could get along without the comfort of a warm home, a decent place to lay my head and good food. When so much is taken away from a person, mainly health…job…time, you learn to appreciate the needs and not the wants.
My beloved wife! This was an easy one!
I totally agree also, the human being has a natural need for a love that only He can fill up.
My Mother she’s the one that keeps our family together 🙂
The hard fact is that over the years I have lost some of the closest people to me, people I might have thought at the time that I could not live without, but I *have* lived through it. Right now my heart and mind are so deeply connected with my husband that I don’t know for sure I could live without him.
In the end all yoiu have is yourself and God. I agree with you completely. It is hard to imagine a world without faith .