Day 03 — Your favorite actor.

Wow this is really a hard one today. I like so many actors and to choose a favorite just wouldn’t be fair but if I had to choose just one it would be Sean Connery. I love how he can play such a wide range of characters and how he can be serious or even funny. I loved him in Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade because while he was so smart he was also so child like at times. He is one of those rare actors that you really don’t see anymore.
Who is your favorite?
That’s a great choice! I have a huge list of actors I like. But if I had to pick a favorite I would choose Chris Evans because I have a crush on him (he looks alot like hubby).
My favorite actor would be Johnny Depp. His portrayal of Jack Sparrow, in Pirates of the Caribbean is fantastic!
I love Hugh Grant. He always plays kind the odd guy. I love him in Bridget Jones Diary, About a Boy, Love Actually and all his other movies. Plus he is cute to look at. 🙂
I honestly don’t really have favorites, I watch a lot of animated movies really, but I’ll go with Matt damon. I absolutely looooooooooved him as jason bourne. and on dogma and fearless.
Easy choice for me. I’m an “old soul” so I tend to love the classic stuff, so my favorite actor of all time is Jimmy Stewart. My favorite movie is It’s a Wonderful Life. The love and faith in that movie is always hear twarming. He has also done many comedies, like Shop Around the Corner, and a bunch of westerns. I saw a couple last night real late on a movie channel. They really don’t make movies and actors as versatile as they used to, in my humble opinion.
Diana C
I love Sean Connery too! I would have to say Dustin Hoffman is one of my favorite actors. I wish he would come out with a new movie. It seems like he hasn’t been around for awhile.
Sean Connery definitely makes it to the top of the list. I guess I’d have to name Brad Pitt. When I first saw him, I thought he was just another pretty boy, hunk actor. Then I saw him in movies like ‘Twelve Monkeys’ and ‘Kalifornia’ and realized that he is a fine actor.
Sean Connery is an amazing actor!
My favorite RECENT actor is slam dunk Owen Wilson. I love his crooked nose, his delivery and his antics. I know that is only his persona and actually has had some rough times in real life…but his imperfections make me love him more.
My favorite way back when was Michael Landon. Wow, that was a LONG time ago!