Day 08 — Something you’re currently worrying about. Wow this is hard to choose because I am a natural worrier. The biggest thing I am currently worrying about is very personal, in fact too personal to share so I will share something else.
I am currently worrying about whether or not I am enough. Just in the general sense, like do I do enough, what I could be doing more of or differently. I think these are things that all women worry about at some point. I tend to compare myself to the other women I know and somehow I never seem to measure up when I look at myself. To others I am more than enough but I can be hard on myself.
What are you currently worrying about?
I’ve been struggling with the same thing, this year I really want to focus on changing my mindset and finding my own happiness and not comparing myself to anyone else but rather my old self.
My greatest worry at the moment is that my two girls, 3 and 5, will NEVER stop bickering and fighting with each other. They love each other and have a lot of fun, but they will argue about anything, at any time, to the point of tears. It’s driving me crazy and I don’t know how to stop it.
My greatest worry right now, is How I will afford paying for the rest of my college education. Not only that, but how I’ll pay for veterinary college more than anything. I hate that money stands in the way of my dreams and passions.
We are moving into a new home,so there are about a million immediate,short-term worries. But I’m also worried about the long term plan we have in place for the next 10 years or so and whether it will work. If it does, we will have a nice retirement. If not…
I’m worried about the divorces that too many of my friends and acquaintances are currently going through.
Like you I worry about a lot of things. I mostly worry about my kids being safe and making good choices. I think that is probably what all parents worry about.
I am in college and I am currently worried about how my future will go. I’m always optimistic so I know good things will happen 🙂
I have not been able to get on the computer for over 3 days because my brother took his life on Monday. I am such a wreck right now worrying and making sure I get everything taken care of. I feel a little better today, since I got on the computer and entered some giveaways. It keeps me from thinking too much about it.
I am so sorry Karen. I just read your post. Blessings of some sort of peace for you and your family…
Rita, I have had two major relationships in my life that included people who tore me down, made me feel WAY less than enough. I think if a woman stops comparing…stops listening to that inner voice that often has been molded by OTHERS voicing their opinions or making decisions that make you feel horrible…we would all feel ENOUGH. Women are so hard on women too. It’s still so middle school out there in the world.
After being sick and relapsing about half of each year for a dozen years, I don’t sweat the “little” stuff (haha) much any more, like my weight, my loss of job, lack of money, etc. . I worry simply about my health and if I will be here to watch all of my 6 kids at least grown to the point of graduation from HS, maybe marriage and DREAM of seeing each of them experience having at least one child (if they so choose). I am lucky to have healthy children and that being the biggest worry of most moms, I am lucky to not have at least that worry. I worry about leaving too soon and having my kids go through too much afterwards.
I just started a job this week. I’m worried if I will like it. And kind of like you, if it is the best use of my talents. I’ve gotten a lot of education and want to make use of it. I went to school to help others and wonder if this is the best use of helping others. But sometimes, when I feel like I want to do more, I find that volunteering is very fulfilling. I would say if you feel like you want to feel like you do enough, volunteer. I always feel just wonderful inside when I do that.
I wish you luck on finding what it is to feel “enough.” And you find peace in the thing that you are worrying about that you can’t mention here. 🙂