I didn’t even know there was popular printing techniques. I went to the courthouse and got married so there was no invitations. The infographic below shows you the four most popular with a little information about each. My favorite is the Engraving.
living my best possible southern life
| Rita
I didn’t even know there was popular printing techniques. I went to the courthouse and got married so there was no invitations. The infographic below shows you the four most popular with a little information about each. My favorite is the Engraving.
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I like all the options! When I got married – many years ago – I didn’t have all these choices. I would’ve had a hard time choosing what I liked best. I look forward to all these options when my daughter gets married one day!
Thanks I will be stearing my daughter to this page as she just got engaged!
have never heard of thermography! I have a daughter who got engaged in February and just over today to talk about plans, flowers, colors,…haven’t gotten to the invites just yet. I remember them being SO expensive back then and we had to go to a jewelry store that handled this. Now there is so much competitions with digital pics and all,…so nice the price seems pretty reasonable really. Many people even design their own and send to online printer. American business competition is awesome! Just my opinion.
I remember reading in Miss Manners that it’s common (and somewhat crass) to turn over a wedding invitation to see if it’s truly engraved or just the mimicked engraving. Apparently you can tell because real engraving leaves indentations on the back of the paper, and the cheaper kind doesn’t. Not that I would care about something that trivial, but I think it’s amusing that other people would.
I don’t think I have heard of thermography. Interesting.