There are things in life that pretty much every single person has done at least once in their lives. Those things that are so common that if someone mentions it you know what they are talking about. You have experienced at some point in your life and can relate. I haven’t done some of those things. Like at all. Yep, I’m that weirdo!

Rode a Roller Coaster
I have never in my life been on one of these. In fact, it wasn’t until I was in my twenties that I ever rode a ferraris wheel. I had heart trouble and so did my father. That meant when we went to the fair as a family he and I stood and waited for everyone else to get off the rides.
In fact, my sister in-law suggested we go to Six Flags one year and my brother said I could meet them afterwards. There was no point in anyone wasting money on a ticket for me when I wasn’t going to ride a single thing. I could walk around somewhere else for free. He’s not wrong though.
Watched Game of Thrones
Don’t scream at me for this one please. I have never seen a single episode of this show. I have however read the books so does that count? Honestly, when the show first came out I was watching something else that came on the same night. So I figured I would watch it at a later date. Then the years went by and I didn’t bother to watch it. I can stream it now but again I just haven’t bothered with it.

Ordered a Drink at a Bar
Okay, hear me out on this one. I have been in a bar and had a drink at a bar. However, I always have whoever is with me order my drink and I have never been to one alone. Ordering makes me nervous at bars. Like I might somehow order something weird or call it the wrong name.
I don’t, it is one of those things that just makes my anxiety skyrocket. I also have never been to a bar by myself. I only go with people I know because my social anxiety is bad with all those unknown people. Honestly, if you say let’s meet at a bar there are about three or four that I will go to. If you suggest a different one, I’m not going to show up.
Never Gotten a Speeding Ticket
Nope, I have had one for jaywalking once. It was the only ticket I have ever received and it was just a warning. In fact, the officer said he only wrote it so I would always remember it. I was young, in my early twenties when I crossed a major highway just before the red light. I waited for the cop to go by before I did but he turned around and watched me do it. He said he knew I was going to do it and get myself killed.
You know what? Since that day I have never not crossed the street at a red light or crosswalk. If there is one available. I learned my lesson and will walk down to the end of the street to cross at the light or crosswalk if I need to. Even if it is out of my way.
I’ve never Watched Game of Thrones either. As far as experiences a lot of people have had, I never went to a prom, I’ve never been a bridesmaid, I’ve never done karaoke, I’ve never gone skiing, I’ve never ice-skated, I’ve never gone scuba diving or snorkeling, I’ve never surfed, I’ve never played an instrument, I’ve never gone sky-diving or bungee jumping, and I’ve never taken a hot air balloon ride. The only one of those I’ve thought about doing was the hot air balloon ride. I tried to get my husband to do it for our anniversary and he doesn’t want to.
I have never been in a hot air balloon too scary for me.
I haven’t watched Game of Thrones either. There’s just too many good new shows coming out all the time.
I have not watched Game of Thrones either. I have never been out of the country. I have never been on a train or subway. I have never been to the ocean.
I do not know how to drive although I had a few lessons several years ago, I just have this issue with my peripheral vision that made driving in traffic an impossibility for me. I have never had a smart phone which everyone and their mother seems to have these days. I have never been on an airplane flight anywhere although I took a tour of a plane at a county fair once, we were on the ground and motionless. I, however have watched Game of Thrones more than once and am a huge fan of Kit Harrington and Peter Dinklage. The popular show that I’ve never seen an episode of is Lost. Which is weird since I am a fan of the genre, just haven’t found the time yet with everything else to do and watch.
Great topic. I love Roller Coasters! I’ve never watched Game of Thrones because I have no desire to. I have been a bartender for years. Being in the restaurant business my whole life, you work late hours and then usually go to bars afterwork. I’ve ridden in a helicopter over a dozen times. I have never been to New York city or out of this country.