To say that I am socially awkward is to put it mildly. I do things sometimes and afterwards I feel so stupid. For example I will agree with things like a meal to make things easier on everyone. Even when I hate whatever we are going to have or I want something different.
The other day in the library I was headed towards a book when another woman began to reach for it and froze looking at me. We were reaching for the same book! So what did I do? I reached for the one next to it like that was the book I was after the entire time.
Why didn’t I just say, “Oh you go ahead or something?” I haven’t got the first clue but I stood there looking at this book that I didn’t want and hoping she would put down the one I did. She didn’t! Instead she went over to begin reading it and I was left in a panic because now what do I do?
Did I leave the book I didn’t want? Nope, my weird self checked it out and didn’t bother asking the librarian to put me on the waitlist for the book the woman was reading. I mean Jesus! You would think it was the most devastating thing. I took a normal situation and made it so weird. I could have asked to be put on the list. I could have asked the lady if she was going to sit there and read the book rather than check it out and go back later in the day.
Anything would have been better than taking home a book I didn’t want while eyeing the woman like I was a Karen just waiting to go off on her. If that sounds like the worst thing ever? Let me tell you some other things my social awkwardness has made me do. Let me know if any of this is you (also if I did this to you… I am so sorry!)
1. Felt like the odd one out in every social group I’ve ever been part of.
This is pretty normal for me. I always feel so out of place even when I know the group of people. I end up sitting alone, wishing I was anywhere other than where I was. Even in my church group I feel weird.
2. Taken the stairs because there was already someone in the elevator when the doors opened and I didn’t want them to talk to me or ask me to push a button.
This happens at the doctor’s office and hospital a lot when I am alone. I don’t know what to say. Once I got on the elevator with a woman who told me all about her mammogram. I don’t want to know in graphic detail about all of that. She even showed me how hard they pressed. I mean good lord! I’m just trying to see a doctor.
3. Bought something I didn’t need because the sales assistant was so nice, and I just couldn’t bring myself to say no.
This has happened a few times. I come home and think “what in the world am I doing?” It wouldn’t have been the end of the world if I said no but it felt like it was. This is the biggest reason I avoid a lot of department stores and cosmetic counters.

4. Pretended to be doing something super-important on my phone, just so no one tries to engage me in conversation.
Again, doctor’s offices. Although I am reading or listening to podcasts a lot there. I have done this once or twice in the grocery store when I see someone I know but don’t want to talk to in there. I pretend to be so busy that I can’t even see them.
It’s a lot but to be honest it is just part of my every day life. You get used to it after a while. For those of you who are members of my groups or I have done this to…..it’s not you, it’s me. I would love to be the person who just opens up and will talk to anyone. The one who will say no when they can’t take part in whatever. I’m just not that gal. I’m gonna make it weird for everyone.