Whether you are worried about an issue at work or something more personal, anxiety can keep you up all night, make it difficult to concentrate or leave you feeling stressed and in a low mood. While anxiety disorders will need more intensive, specialist treatment from a medical professional, if you would like to try some holistic remedies to manage feelings of anxiety when you are going through stressful periods, here are some options to explore.
1. Go Out for a Walk
Sometimes getting out of the house or the office and breathing in some fresh air can make a big difference. When you are feeling overwhelmed, getting out into open spaces and doing some exercise can help to make you feel more in control and releases those feel-good hormones in your brain. It can be a good opportunity to take a moment to calm down and clear your head when things are getting too much. If you’re not into walking, any kind of exercise can be beneficial in reducing feelings of anxiety.
2. Meditation
Meditation can be a little challenging at first, which is why trying some guided meditations when you first start is beneficial. You don’t need to spend hours on end meditating. Even just ten minutes a day can help to calm your mind and help you stay focused and present. When you are next feeling anxious and overwhelmed, consider trying a few meditation sessions to see if that can help to quiet those stressful thoughts and give you some clarity.
3. CBD Products
Another holistic remedy you can explore is trying CBD products, such as gummies or oils. A lot of people have found CBD to have a soothing effect on them, which helps them battle feelings of anxiety and allows them to relax. If you haven’t used CBD products before and are a UK resident, here is your guide to CBD gummies in the UK for more information. You can also find more information on CBD products in your home country if you are outside of the UK by doing an online search.
4. Reduce Caffeine Intake
Stimulants like caffeine might be great for waking you up in the morning, but too much can impact the way you’re feeling. When you are already stressed or anxious, drinking caffeinated drinks could risk making those feelings worse. If you are trying to manage these emotions naturally, consider reducing your caffeine intake or cutting it out of your diet altogether.
5. Practice Deep Breathing
There is a reason why people tell you to take a deep breath and count to ten when you are feeling angry, upset and stressed. When you are feeling anxious, some people might find that their breathing changes, perhaps even struggling to catch their breath, which could be an early sign of a panic attack. The next time you are feeling anxious and uncomfortable, try to do some therapeutic breathing and see if that can help you to calm down and take back control.
As mentioned previously, anxiety disorders are issues that need the correct support and are not the same as common feelings of anxiety that people feel. If you have an anxiety disorder you want to treat, speak to your GP about your options. If you are looking for ways to cope with mild anxiety that you might have due to stressful circumstances or challenging periods in your life, consider these holistic remedies and see if they work for you.