I realize that this is topic that should be obvious. After all the risks of driving under the influence go well beyond five and they all should be easy to name. The truth is though is that you would be surprised at how many people actually don’t think a thing about those risks. Even some who aren’t under the influence. People will get behind the wheel of a car in a second regardless of whether they should be there or not. So I thought I would share my top five risks with you all.
You Could Kill Someone and/or Yourself
This is the top reason or at least it should be! When you are drinking your reaction is slower so you could easily misjudge and have an accident. One that ends with the loss of life. If you kill someone and that is not something that most people could live with and think about how your family would survive if you die. It just simply is not worth all that pain. I was surprised to learn that I actually live in a state with higher number of fatalities after reading an analysis of drunk driving fatalities by state.
Get a Ticket
Did you know the state is allowed to put up a random checkpoint to deter drunk driving? According to DUI lawyers, law enforcement agencies can randomly stop anyone from checking. The individuals have the right to remain silent or refuse field sobriety tests. But, it varies in different situations. The officers have all the rights to give you a ticket or arrest you in case of impairment.
My stupid ex got a DUI and let me tell you that ticket was more money that I ever wanted to pay. You would of course think that have to spend that much money (well over $1000 after everything) that would have taught him his lesson. It did for a while but then he went back to his same old ways. That should have taught me a lesson.
You Could Go to Jail
Remember I said after everything about the ticket? That’s right that dummy had to spend a week in jail for his escapade. Not to mention the probation and community service that he had to do after it was all said and done.
Lose Your License
You could lose your driver’s license which means having to take the bus or ask for rides. Now I don’t know about you but that doesn’t really appeal to me.
Family Drama
The problems and drama that this cause within families just simply is not worth it. You could end up divorced, losing custody of children and so many other things. It’s just not worth the trouble.
These are great reminders especially now that it’s summer time and this seems to happen a lot.
It does happen a lot during the summer and we have a major holiday coming a few short weeks.
I tell my teens and young adults that it could ruin their lives. I use the shock factor with them , Pictures and stories from the internet. They need to understand that it can happen to them!
If the shock factor works then I say go for it. I remember growing up and having to watch those awful train track accidents. They scared me to death.
These are good reminders. I hope these are taken to heart by those that need to hear it most
I hope that they are taken to heart as well.
Great reminder, especially in summertime with cookouts, pool days, etc.
We have a teenage neighbor who recently made the decision to have a drink and drive, and now the family is dealing with the consequences dealt to them all (thankfully no one wasbhurt, but the car is done!)
That is awful that someone so young would make that choice but it happens more and more. Hopefully he or she will come out the other side of it all a little wiser.
Great tips even if you have only had a drink I hope that they call a cab or friend.My Husband was hit head on by a Drunk Driver on the interstate the other driver was going the wrong direction,its crazy that the people were even driving they couldn’t even stand up.
That is crazy and I agree with you about the one drink and calling a cab. If you are going to have anything at all to drink then you have a cab number to call or a designated driver ready.
I don’t see my comment here from the other day, so i am recommenting again, maybe it wasn’t approved or moderated as i commented under a different email. But This is a great topic to discuss now that summer is almost here and teens are out of school and hanging out more.
Sorry about that Nicole! I agree that it is a great topic and one that should be discussed with teens.
thanks for sharing these. sometimes when you read things like this it steers you the other way! !
So thanks! if it helps just one person it worked!
You’re welcome! I hope that it helps at least one person and you are right that sometimes things like these steer people the other way.
Many of these are also true for texting while driving. Just experienced a horrid driver texting – she crossed the white line over 9 times, nearly sideswiped a semi and a car, went of the road once. She was going to hurt someone and we only were behind her for about 3 miles.
Thank you for sharing this and it is good to remind people of these risks.