This week has been one of those weeks where I wanted to do more than I was actually able to do. Once again there is physical therapy but let me tell you that I was pretty much done in each day afterwards. I spoke with my therapist about it and was told that can be normal. If I am tired then rest and nap as needed. Don’t try to push myself beyond what I am physically or even mentally capable of right now.
Health wise I am doing as well as can be expected at this time. There is no big miracle that is suddenly going to make everything work again. It is going to take work and patience. My body and mind have to get back into sync again. I will get there just maybe not this week. I can move my fingers on my left hand. It’s odd because I can’t lift the arm or hand at all. However I can wiggle my fingers. I can’t really hold onto anything yet but it’s a start.
1. Watch Season One Murder in Provence
I watched all three episodes of Murder in Provence this week. I also discovered that it is based on a book series that I am certainly going to order and see how good they are. I am hoping they do season two of this show because it is so good.
2. Went Outside
I am still spending some time outside every day that I am able to. When it’s pouring rain I just sit on the back porch a little while. Just to get out and get some fresh air. I will tell you that sitting and watching the rain fall moves me. I love the rain and storms. I don’t know why but always have. There is something amazing in the power they have.
3. Got a Shower On My Own
Okay this was hard and it made my caregiver a little upset. I woke up and just felt gross. I had sweated so badly that I needed clean sheets and wiping myself down was not happening. So, I got myself into my chair, then into the bathroom.I’m not even going to tell you how hard it was to get from the chair to the stool in the shower. I ended up getting to the toilet and then standing on my good leg from there.
That put it right in front of the shower and made hopping there a little easier. Thankfully I have a hand held shower head thing and the girl that comes to clean had been using it the day before when she was cleaning. So it was on and hanging down. From there it was pretty easy to get clean. My caregiver got there in time to help me out. All I have to say is that it was worth it and I would totally do it again.
4. More Cooking
I have managed to cook a little bit more. I still need help with this since I can’t lift or cut things. However, my uncle handles that for me and I use the skillet really well right now. Anything that requires more my uncle has to do but we have become a great team. My mom can cook as well and she helps but Ma has to wear oxygen and is starting to slip memory wise. It’s just safer for her to not be in the kitchen much anymore.
5. Crochet
I have started to crochet in the hopes that it will help build up the strength in my left hand fingers. It is slow going and crooked as all get out. It’s a mess if I am being honest. I have to lay it on the table and use a clip to hold the stitches so I can make the next. I get so frustrated with it. I can’t tell you how many times I have thrown it across the room at this point. The blanket will be done in 2035, maybe. Hopefully.
Those are my five things this week. They aren’t anything exciting but they are the things I am currently doing. Nothing much and I hope that y’all are all getting out there and enjoying the spring weather.
Linda says
I’ve been thinking about Murder in Provence, too. I’d like to start watching this.
Elizabeth says
A lot of little things will add up eventually—don’t worry, you’re doing great!
Rita Wray says
Keep a positive attitude. Slowly but surely you will be able to do more. I am praying for you.
Audrey Stewart says
I am so proud of you! A shower is such a treat when you’ve gone a couple of days without one. I also love the rain. A couple of my cats are scared of the thunder sound. And cats are also not that fond of getting wet.
heather says
Great news thanks for the update. I am so happy that you were able to do all of these things this week that is wonderful news.
Shirley O says
Thank you for the update and wonderful news on your accomplishments this week. The little things really do add up.
Adriane says
Honestly, you did more than I did this week – you are doing great, one day at a time 🙂 Please be careful with the shower thing – a slip and fall would not be helpful in your recovery.
Suzie B says
I’m glad to hear you are progressing in your recovery! It’s the small victories every day 🙂
Donna says
Murder in Provence looks interesting! I’ll have to watch it soon. Thanks for sharing the updates on your recovery.
Sandra Dufoe says
Will have to check out that show and the books. You are making great progress.
Tina F says
Thanks for sharing your week. I always wanted to learn to crochet. I don’t know if my hands would agree if I tried it.
Dreaa Drake says
Sounds like a great show & books! Thanks for sharing!
Nina Lewis says
Been taking care of my Mom. Doctors appointments & tests getting done. Spent a good amount of time in waiting rooms. Thank God I am a reader or I would lose my mind. 🙂