This is something new I thought I would do for a couple of different reasons. One it will help me keep you guys updated with my progress as I recover. It will also help me with my therapy and rehab. Every week I am trying to type these 5 things without using my dictation unless I have to. I need to get my brain and body back to coordinating and this is one way that will help.
It’s pretty much just going to be the five things I did, watched, though about, or whatever. There will always be a health update as well. Therapy is one that I am doing daily. Although I am not going to physical therapy every day. I go three days a week and then have two days of it at home.
I do have some function in my left hand fingers but like I told y’all before I left the hospital I had some tingling in those. I can move them a little bit but I can’t make them move if that makes sense. They will wiggle and move on their own but it’s like my brain can’t tell them to move and then move. The signals just aren’t going out when I tell it to.
1. Watched Annika
Watched the entire season of Annika again. I really like this show and am eagerly awaiting season two. So I spent a little time watching this and before I knew it I had watched the whole season. I love how she references history or literature as she solves the murders. She looks at the camera and speaks to the audience but it doesn’t take anything away from the show. It actually adds a depth to it that other shows don’t have.
2. Went Outside
Okay this might seem like such a small thing but for an hour everyday this week I went outside. Just to get some fresh air and sit in the sun. Yes, I am still in the wheelchair and no my left side is not functioning much at all. But, everyday my nurse pushed me out there and then brought me in. I just need it more than I can explain. I feel like the walls are closing in on me sometimes not being able to freely move as much as I want.
3. Made Pancakes
I was able to mix this one handed, then pour the batter into one of those squeeze bottles and squeeze it into the pan that way. It took much longer than it would have if I had both arms working.
4. Read Some Books
Started Hell’s Handlers MC Florida Chapter series from Lily Atlas. I enjoy this author and hadn’t had time to start this series yet so I took the time this week to get caught up. Now I am waiting for the next one in the series. I am also awaiting the next book in the Alpha Barbarians Series from Leann Ryans. I stumbled across the first in the series during a free book giveaway and enjoyed it so much that I bought the others and the rest is history.
5. Sat on the Couch
I know this doesn’t seem like a big deal at all. Let me say though that in order for me to sit in the living room comfortably we would need to move some furniture out. It is a pain in the butt and I refused to allow anyone to do that. I can sit in my chair and watch a little television with Ma and my uncle. Most of the television watching is done from my room where I can sit in a chair I have in there or on the bed.
This week I was able to get from the wheelchair to the couch for a while. I was able to hop while holding onto the sofa and get myself there. My nurse was not happy because they don’t want me doing all the hopping I am doing. However, as long as I am holding onto something I feel as though I am stable. Anyway, I spent about an hour there then had to get up because I can’t move to get comfortable.
All in all I would say this has been a decent week. It has not been perfect and let me tell you there have been plenty of tears. There have been moments where I told my therapists I hated them, moments that I felt like I couldn’t make it. However, everyday I wake up and tell myself today will be better. Even on the days that end up not being better I know tomorrow is a new day and it will be better somehow.
Thank you for the update. Sending you prayers and hugs.
Thank you so much!
Thanks for sharing the updates on how you’re doing. Praying for you!
Thank you for your prayers!
Sounds like a great week. Getting outside can really lift your spirit. Thank you for keeping us updated.
It was a good week and getting outside really helped.
Thank you for sharing the update. Take your time don’t rush yourself. I will have to check out this show that you watched I haven’t heard of it before.
I really enjoy Annika! It is a great show with a great cast.
One day at a time is all anyone can do—you’re doing great!
Thank you. one day at a time is how I am looking at it right now.
Love reading updates on your progress. Slowly but surely, you will get there!
Thank you! I wasn’t sure how this new series would go over but I felt like I needed to share my journey with y’all.
This is a wonderful idea – both to update us and for you to be working on therapy! A little sunshine and pancakes sounds pretty good
Thank you! Gotta love the pancakes!
Thank you for the update. It sounds like you are making great progress on your way to recovery.
I am making progress. It is slow but i am getting there.
I am so glad you are doing well in your rehab. By reading your progress I know some of what to expect when my brother-in-law comes home. He had a stroke a month or so ago. My husband will be his caretaker because he’s retired. I am so glad the weather in Georgia will be better soon. Just don’t overheat in the summer.
I am so glad I can help in some small way. One thing I would ask y’all to remember is that as frustrating as the slow progress is for you it is far more frustrating for your brother in-law. Suddenly we can’t do any of the things we did before. We feel lost, angry, and useless. No amount of saying it will get better will make it get better. There are going to be days that just aren’t good. Make sure your husband takes care of himself as well. Without my caretaker coming everyday I would have to go into a rehab or nursing facility. I can only imagine how much caring for me takes a toll on her as well as my family.
Love this, Rita! So glad to know you’re slowly but surely getting better! 🙂
I did laundry, read My Dark Romeo, took naps everytime the baby was down for a nap & made some chicken soup for my sister! 🙂
I hope your recovery is going well!!