There aren’t many things worse than feeling cramped in your own home. Constantly having to step over things or squeeze past when ideally you could easily maneuver around your property can start to feel very claustrophobic. Sadly, making space in your home isn’t all that easy, and the solution isn’t simply to get rid of everything you have. Not only that, extending your house can be very expensive – which isn’t always worth the investment if all you need is just a little more space.
Getting your space in your home is possible, but you need to think a little more about how you organize things.
Use your wall space
While the floor space might all be used up, wall space is often underutilized. Try putting up more shelving or furniture that stays closer to the wall, so that you can store everything neatly and out of the way. No more tripping over things, not when you have everything neatly packed away.
Start throwing things out
Sometimes keeping your home clear of clutter is more about discipline than tidiness. Being more critical of the things you decide to keep is important if you don’t want your home to get any worse than it is, and it could be time to start throwing things out.
A lot of the time, throwing things out can seem like a waste, which is why you need a better solution. You could consider handing your unwanted belongings over to charity or calling Junk Rescue to take them off of your hands. Alternatively, you could make some extra cash by selling it online using one of the many auction sites available.
Renovate underused rooms
Sometimes junk can build up because you’re not making use of all the space available in your home. If you’re hesitant to keep things in the attic or cellar because of the condition they’re in – it’s time to do something about it. Renovating these rooms can open up so much more space in your home, and can prove to be very worth the investment. You could improve them just for storage, or you could create another room to live in. Either way, make sure you’re making full use of the space in your home.
If you’ve got a little too much furniture but aren’t willing to part ways with it just yet, or you need somewhere to put it temporarily – self-storage can be the answer to your problem. A secure location where you can put your things and be sure that they’re safe from damage or being stolen is ideal for storing anything you own.
Multifunctional furniture
Instead of picking out the flashiest or comfiest furniture, it could be better to look for smarter and multifunctional furniture. Chairs and beds that double as storage, stairs that double as a bookcase. Things that allow for storage in wasted space can really help to get hide all of that extra clutter, without forcing you to get rid of anything.