I woke up this morning at 5 am! I don’t know why I did but I was wide awake. I have beenlaying in the bed reading and trying to wake up when I thought I would head over and check out Newspring Church. It is the church that I attend when I go to my brother’s as it is his church.
If you have been following me for a while (at Rita Reviews) you have heard me talk about the church in the past. Their current series is The Journey and I clicked to watch the first part of the series. One thing I always love is how Perry Noble,the pastor, talks like he is talking to a group of friends. He is very real and down to Earth. He is open about his personal struggles and how faith found him.
This sermon could have been titled “Rita PAY ATTENTION!” It was of course about the journey that the Magi (another post later) takes and going from red to green with the church. However there were a couple of things that Perry said that really struck a cord with me.
First he said (and I am paraphrasing) that Satan will ruin any relationship when you are leading someone to God. He said if there was trouble in a relationship then chances were that you were leading that person to God and his path and Satan can’t have that. Perry also said to never give up on someone that God puts on your heart. To be patient because God was patient with you as you made your journey.
For me it was like God was saying all the things that he needed to get across to me. One thing I have learned rather hardly is that faith is not something that suddenly shows up. There are moments when you feel God and faith but then life happens and faith has to be worked at and nurtured. My faith has hit the absolute bottom and slowly, a day at a time it may begin to find its way.
If you want to watch the service I was talking about you can at Newspring Church. I highly recommend you watch it even if you don’t believe in God. There is wonderful music and this is not your traditional church service.There are some funny moments and if you are like me maybe some ah-ha moments.
I think your relationship with God is like your relationship with your spouse, siblings, and other people. It takes a lot of work. It’s a nonstop work in progress. I know for me there seems to be times I have more energy to put into all my relationships and others when I just don’t have the energy. For me God is one that I always come back to. I have to put the work into it, for me.
I have to put a lot of work into it as well. I think you are right though
for God is my best friend, my everything and my counselor in the church as a body that we all need each other and help us to serve God!
I could not agree more