Clutter builds up over a lifetime and it can be difficult to get rid of. Items gain sentimental value, some become “part of the furniture” and then, before you know it, the very idea of decluttering becomes daunting.
There are psychological benefits associated with clearing your home, though, and the task doesn’t have to be as difficult as it seems.
#1 When was the last time you used it?
There’s no better barometer of usefulness than this. When you’re trying to decide whether to keep or throw an item, think about when you last used it. If it was in use only a week ago, the chances are that you need to keep it. If, however, you haven’t touched it for months, even years, then it’s adding nothing to the home.
#2 Have a “maybe” category
As you move through your home, you’ll inevitably be divided on whether to keep certain items. Agonizing over the decision for too long can hinder the whole process. Instead, put the item aside, perhaps in a box, and make a note to come back to it in a month. If you haven’t used the “maybe” items or even thought about them in that timeframe, then the problem has solved itself.
#3 Assess conditions
Some items will be brand new, others will be much older. With age comes damage, and some of your possessions will inevitably have aged less well than others. These are prime candidates to be thrown out. If you can’t bring yourself to do that, set a date to get the item repaired. If you miss that deadline, then it probably doesn’t add enough value to your life to justify its place.
#4 Organize later
Many people try to go about the decluttering and reorganization processes at the same time. They throw out a few items while trying to rearrange the rest of their possessions. This overcomplicates the job and gives you an excuse to hold onto unwanted items simply by moving them to a different position. Declutter first, and then reorganize your home with what’s left behind.
#5 Use self storage
If there are some things that you absolutely can’t throw out but don’t necessarily need in your home, storage lockers are the answer. Lockers like those from give you somewhere to safely stow items so that they’re out of your home but remain accessible. Storage lockers usually offer 24/7 access and come with a range of security features, making them an ideal solution for freeing up more space.
#6 Forget about value
One of the biggest interior design mistakes is keeping hold of unwanted items simply because they were expensive. These represent dead money. The cash is already gone, and now the item just takes up space. Rather than valuing possessions in terms of money, value them by thinking about how often you use them, what they bring to your life and whether they add anything to the home. Besides, you can always sell expensive items.