Can you honestly say you spend enough time showing your loved ones how much they mean? If you’re anything like most people, the chances are you don’t. We’re all too busy! Even so, life is too short. Your loved ones should be the most important thing in your world. As such, you should take the time to show them how important they are. Whether you have the time or not, there are a few small things you can do to make those people feel special. It’s the least you can do.
We’ve already acknowledged you’re busy. But, you should still spend time with your loved ones. To make this manageable, don’t set your sights too high. If all you have time for is a cup of tea and a quick chat, that’s fine! Any time is better than no time. If you can, why not enjoy the weekend with them? Take the time to make plans and stick to them! Having a set time in which to see certain people can help. Don’t allow yourself to see that time as unimportant. Write it in your diary and stick to it the way you would a business arrangement. After a month or so, you’ll see that you can make time for anything if it means enough.
You should never wait for special occasions to show your love. Even so, it’s important you make the most of special days. With mother’s day coming up, it’s the perfect time to show your mom how much you love her. Look into mother’s day gifts that have special meaning to her. And remember that a gift isn’t all it takes. Make sure to spend time with her, too. Your company will mean more than any gift could! Make sure, too, to remember birthdays. These can be challenging because they’re unique to the individual. There’s no major marketing campaign to remind you. Forgetting a birthday could cause significant offense to them, and embarrassment on your part. Again, turn to your diary for this! Get into the habit of checking a month in advance so you’re never caught short.
Conversation with loved ones can sometimes be hard. When you know someone inside out, it can be a struggle to know what to say. Keeping the conversation alive is important, though. If you don’t talk, those all important doors of communication may close. This is particularly the case with friends and partners. Though it’s still important to speak to your family, they’re less likely to disown you. Your friends and partners don’t have such undying loyalty, though. If you stop making an effort, they might do the same,
In the same vein, it’s important you take an interest in your loved ones. Taking the time to ask how they are doesn’t take long, but makes a huge difference. Let them know that you’re there for them by listening when they have something to tell you!
This is rely important. So many are tied to devices, and their answer is ‘not now’ . You can never make up for time not spent. If that call isnt important. do not take it when you are talking to a person face to face, it is not only rude but makes the person feel less important. If you have to be online, try and make it at times when you dont have to be as present.