I recently saw a picture of some fairy garden items in a magazine and thought they were so cute. I showed them to Ma who said we could do something like that in front of our fireplace outside because there was enough space. I thought that was a good idea and then set out to find a few things. I stumbled upon the cutest little tee-pee tent and thought I so didn’t want tit to get wet. Then I had a better idea.
A Little Girl Time
What if I did something on the back porch that the girls could take part in too? It would be the best way for us to spend a little time together doing things and still. So I have been spending sometime both on Etsy and on Pinterest checking out the things that are available and trying to figure out where it is that I want to begin. The first thing I will tell you is that this is huge decision because there is so much out there. I didn’t realize just how popular this was. The girls are super excited because they feel like it will something of their own.
So we are going to take a trip to our local hardware store this month and see what sort of containers they have available and what will work for us. I was thinking a galvanized metal tub but a rather large one that we could put on a stand or a table. I want to be able to create a small community in there without things looking too cramped but also nothing too large. I will be sharing this development with you all as we journey through the creation.
I bought a fairy garden kit for my daughter. She created a succulent garden in a large flat dish and then has the items decorating the dish. It’s really cute! My niece did hers outside.
I don’t have a fairy garden unfortunately.
I don’t have a fairy garden, but I have seen photos on Facebook & Pinterest. Some get really elaborate, with little ‘waterfalls’ & ‘cottages’ & of course, the fairies.
I don’t have a fairy garden but I love that idea for an area in our back yard! 🙂
I don’t have a garden, fairy or otherwise since I live in a townhouse.
I don’t have a fairy garden, as I see them more and more I’ve been considering making one..they are adorable.