Having a beautiful and healthy smile is beyond only regular brushing and flossing. Our diet plays a key role in maintaining general health and well-being. But many people tend to ignore the importance of a proper diet in dental care.
Smiles are captivating, so making a few adjustments, like cutting down on sugars, taking meals that enhance your enamel, will help you achieve the healthy smile you wish for.
Dentist campsie says that becoming a smart consumer is the beginning of a healthy smile.
Watch what you drink
Coffee, red wine, and tea: As tempting as they are, when they are consumed in excess, they can cause serious damage to your teeth. They contain elements that leave stains on the teeth, resulting in discoloration over time. Therefore, eliminating these drinks if possible, is key to a healthier smile or a reduction in consumption can also.
Remember that whatever you eat, you do not eat them alone. Your oral cavity is filled with bacteria that are normal flora of the mouth. When you consume a lot of sugary substances like soda, the bacteria grow too and end up causing you harm. Therefore, you should substitute soda with yogurt, milk, and even water. The WHO recommends that you should take fluoride-filled low-fat dairy products and water to prevent dental caries.
Cut down on junk and eat healthy
Minimize how much gummy candies and chocolates you eat. While snacking between meals, little chances are you would not be having any of the above. Well, just like sodas, they contain sugar and also can get stuck on your teeth. If you are guilty of a sweet tooth, then you are doing your gum line no good. Alternatively, you should take nuts and fruits as snacks.
Starch and carbohydrates like rice are broken down into simple sugars and have an acidic byproduct that can result in dental caries over time. To avoid this, you should take meals that contain a lesser amount of carbohydrates like proteins, whole grains, and leafy vegetables.
Reduce excessive intake of citrus fruits. Vitamin C is essential for healthy teeth as it prevents scurvy. But consuming oranges and lemons in excess is not advisable as they are acidic fruits. Acids cause dental deterioration, therefore, you should seek a less acidic source of vitamin C.
Tobacco and Alcohol will do you more harm than good
Smoking is harmful to the body and also causes discoloration of your enamel and subsequently, gum disease. To achieve a healthier smile, you should consider quitting smoking.
You may also want to consider cutting down alcohol consumption as it increases your chances of having cavities.
Having a healthier smile boosts your confidence. If changing what you eat and drink are the sacrifices you have to make, then nothing should hold you back. Living a healthier life by taking the right amount of everything is more important. A healthy lifestyle is second to none, it saves you cost and discomfort.
And, of course, it also goes without saying that you should regularly visit a dentist. If you don’t have one yet, you can check out this one that offers implants, emergency care, and quality teeth whitening in Lunenburg.