I know that you may not know it but I have been working on adjusting some things behind the scenes like the categories and tags. While I know those aren’t overly important to most of you it is something I haven’t gone through in a while. I read an article saying that I would need at most twenty of those. There was no way that was going to work but I knew I needed to pair them down (the tags at least) because they were getting out of control. I had tons of tags that had a single post attached to them and there were many that just didn’t search well.
Changing all of the tags and such has been time-consuming. Like days worth of work and I still am not done. I didn’t realize that there were so many posts but I have been in the process of going through each and every one of them since I first started. I feel like there are millions left although there is a little over 4000 left for me to go through. I have been going through them in the evenings some after getting other work done.
Why am I doing all this you may ask? Well the truth it I really felt that I needed to go through them and update but also because sometime int he next month I will be changing the theme or core of the blog. Don’t worry the colors and nothing like that is going to change but a notice came through my email the other day for a new theme that was specifically designed for bloggers. I don’t typically pay those sort of emails any attention but since it came from a designer that I know and trust I checked things out.
This theme is set up well and will allow me to set things up in a way that you all can easily navigate my posts. You will be able to click a category and find the posts in a beautiful archive that I think you will enjoy. It is aesthetically pleasing. Now that would be any reason to chance a theme but this one has gone one step further. After meeting industry insiders the designer has built a theme that has the things recommended all ready there. There are things like H2 headers that I have to style to get looking the way I want but with this theme I don’t have to because they are there. So I am super excited about it but I refuse to change anything else until I have all of the back-end stuff done.
I promise this time when I change stuff I will do a big giveaway. I am hoping that you will love things as much I have loved the demo. I would show it to you but I want you all to be surprised. I have been so thrilled with this lavender and teal with a deeper purple colors and I am more than certain that this new theme will bring everything together. Now back to working on all those tags.
I am loving the new look, but what every you do, your readers will still be here.
I enjoy your blog a lot and know that you spend a lot of time doing what you do oh so well, I do mean that. It is straight forward, easy to navigate, and I can find what I need. It is great to see you excited about what you are working on.
Some blogs have changed so that I can’t even find anything other than the last few days post, there isn’t a way to go by date if need be and I get so aggravated after looking and choosing options that I just say nothing is worth this much of my time, besides my children and God, and of course many other things but you get the idea. I am so hoping this isn’t the case with your new format but I trust that it isn’t. Thanks so much for all you do.