i know that many of you saw the changes yesterday and were like…WHAT? Prior to leaving for vacation I decided it was past time for a major overhaul. Now by that I mean it is well beyond time for me to go through each and every post I have ever made here on Rita Reviews.
Not an easy task by any means. There were also so other things that I needed to update and handle. So like the OCD organized crazy person I am I put everything I needed to do into a Trello board and started working my way through them. What I discovered was that I had more work to do than I ever though possible.
My big finish deadline is November 1st (I have a HUGE giveaway going live that day) and while I am sort of on track I discovered that I needed to roll out some of the changes in order for others to work properly. So that is why the theme and look has changed a bit. It is to allow other things to begin to work more in line with my vision.
That being said NOW is also the perfect time for you guys to let me know things that you don’t like or maybe things that you would like to see change a bit more. Like I said November 1st is the deadline for me and hopefully you will notice things looking better. One of the biggest tasks is redoing and updating every single featured image so that they match the new styling.
I may pull my hair out before this is over and done. I had planned on taking a vacation and not doing much of anything. I thought I would check emails and that would be that. Boy was I wrong! This week I have been working a bit and I have managed to get more done in a week than I do in a month back home. It could be that the kids are off daily to the pool and doing other activities so that I am alone more. Whatever it is I am taking advantage of it and getting some of these articles updated.
Don’t worry I am still taking plenty of time to rest and managed to read a few books that I have had on my list for a while now. I can’t believe how great all of this seems. I hope that you all are liking the new look better. That things are starting to come together for y’all as much as they are for me. I already have all of August planned and most of the next two quarters. That is something I have always struggled with but am more than pleased with how things are shaping up.
I think the new look is great and shaping up nicely. But be sure to enjoy some “me time” for yourself!
I am certainly doing that. I spent the entire afternoon yesterday laying in a chair by the pool. When it finally got dark I was a little appalled and thrilled with myself at the same time. I can’t tell you the last time I did anything like that.
And that sounds so nice! I am really looking forward to our vacation next month. I will be doing as little as possible 🙂