One of the things I have discovered as I have gotten older is that I need more supplements and vitamins in my life. Of course chances are I needed them before but I can honestly say that I never thought about them before. I used to use a sleep aid but now take an all-natural supplement that has helped more than I can tell you. One thong though, when you start deciding to add in more you have to find a place to get them as well.
I spent time checking out website after website, such as Iron Supplements Online NZ, as well as going into different stores before I found the place that I like. I am more than happy with the customer service that I receive and know that if I have any questions they get answered right away. Questions is one thing I have an abundance of. There are so many different vitamins and supplements that I didn’t know which ones I needed to take or what wouldn’t work for me. I made the mistake of getting the wrong thing once and it made me very sick right away.
Someone told me I needed to take B12 and after talking with my doctor (because I do that for every new thing I take) we decided that a B12 spray was the way to go for me. A couple of the great things about B12 is that it helps reduce stress (and we all know how much I need stress reduced) and it improves sleep. Now this is the one that I am taking for sleep but I am pretty sure that it has helped as well.
I have been hearing about green magma uk but don’t know much about it. After a little research I discovered that it actually green barley. Now I admit that I hadn’t really had barley (unless you count alcohol) and I am very interested in trying this. This is used as an anti-aging and can also help with digestion and detoxification. I think I am going to order some and see how it does. It can’t hurt after all.
Love this great article about vitamins
Wow I think the b12 spray sounds great I would love if it helped me sleep better!