I get asked a lot of different question when it comes to advertising and sponsored posts. I thought I would try to answer the most common ones for you now.
Do I understand correctly that you publish Guest Posts for free?
Yes I do. However these guidelines are strictly followed when it comes to Guest Posts:
At least 500 words. Fit in with one of these categories: Southern, Family, Travel, Parenting, Food. Images must be at least 800 px wide. If you provide a featured image it must be at least 1200px wide. I can add images if needed as I have several stock subscriptions. 1 link allowed and is nofollow. If you have other needs ask. Sometimes I can accommodate you but not always.
Could you provide any example of sponsored content from your website?
Sure. A couple of examples of sponsored posts are as follows:
Will the article be published in the relevant section or in special section?
In it’s relevant section. I don’t have a special section for sponsored posts. With Guest Posts I do tag them as such but that is all.
Will it be announced on the Home page?
Yes, every post is on the Home page until it naturally moves down. The first five posts of any given day is always in the Home Page slider as well. If you want your post on the Home Page the longest then request a Friday posting as I don’t typically post on the weekends.
Will the article be marked as Sponsored / Advertorial?
There is a disclosure that I add as you can see in the We Love Jeeps post above. I can move it to somewhere else in the post or word it differently if you wish.
Will sponsored article stay on the website permanently?
Yes, it will be here permanently unless some disaster happens that is beyond my control. PLEASE NOTE broken links are removed however. I have a program that monitors my blog for broken links. I will make an attempt to fix the link for you but a link that stays broken for three months straight, I will remove the link without warning. You are responsible for ensuring I have working links. This is typically something that happens years after the post is first posted.
Will the article be indexed by Google?
Yes, it will be indexed.
Does the price include the reposts in socials and the newsletter to the subscribers (how many subscribers do you have)?
All posts are shared on social media the day of the post and then I do try to share them again at a later date. They go out in that days rss Feed as well. I no longer have a newsletter. This was something personal that I decided to discontinue. I do have a VIP Group and I can share the post there if you wish.
Do you allow using hyperlinks in the leading paragraph?
Yes, I do allow them. I ask that you opening paragraph be more than a couple of sentences. That is so things look good on the blog. I will add a read more break after the first paragraph so my readers can click and read the entire article.
If you write an article do you use images provided by a client or do you choose the pics on your own?
I can certainly use photos provided by the client. In the event the client doesn’t have any I do have several stock memberships that I can get photos from.
How can we pay you?
I accept PayPal or Bill.com for payments. I can send an invoice which can be paid via credit card even if you don’t have a PayPal account.
Do you accept bank transfer, credit card payments?
You can pay a PayPal invoice with a credit card. I do not accept bank transfers. You can process checks and transfers through Bill.com
Do you charge VAT and is it already included into the price?
No, I do not charge VAT as I’m not VAT registered. The price I gave you is the only price you will be charged. I assume all PayPal fees.
Our company is registered outside the USA. Will we be invoiced with 0% VAT?
Correct, there will be 0% VAT charges on the invoice.
Will you be able to provide us with legal invoices? Please note that our finance department requires an invoice with full legal details of your company and ours.
I send a PayPal invoice that lists my legal name along with address. The invoice also includes a Reference Number or name as well as a detailed listing that includes the link to your article on Rita Reviews. I include your company information as well. If you are not paying via PayPal but still need an invoice I can provide one.
Could you provide your VAT or registration number?
I can provide you with a W9 which is the tax form that freelance independent contractors use in the United States. As a freelancer, I do business as myself with my personal social security number. That is all that is required of me. If you aren’t filing taxes or tax claims in the US you shouldn’t need this form. I am not VAT registered so I do not have that number.
Do you provide discounts for Advertising agencies?
If you are doing multiple posts then yes, we can arrange a discount based on the number of posts that you will either be sending me or having me write.
Business Hours
Please be aware of my business hours. They are listed below and are Eastern Standard Time. I’m located in Georgia in the United States. If you are in Europe your are at least five hours ahead of me. That means I may not respond to your email until around 2 pm your time.
You can find all of my rates and place an order here.