Can you believe it is the end of July already? Where has the year gone? While the year is quickly passing us by, I hope that y’all are out there living it. We will be headed back home soon and I am excited for that but I am also very nervous. I had some personal…
Single and Pregnant? Here’s How To Do It
A woman’s pregnancy is a significant period, one that is full of excitement as well as a healthy dose of anxiety. It is possible that your anxiety will feel magnified if you are going through this experience alone, whether it is because of an unavoidable circumstance or a conscious decision.
Remember to Bring the RightOnTrek Meals When Backpacking
If you don’t already know our family enjoys getting together and hiking. We haven’t done it as much lately because I haven’t been able to. In fact, I have had to start like a beginner again. It sucks because we have a big hike planned for next year we had to cancel but it is…
My Twitter Was Hacked and Suspended
My Twitter account got hacked and suspended without me even realizing it. I mean come on! I guess I have just been so busy. I have made an appeal to Twitter in the hopes of at least being able to start over. I am going to delete any and all Twitter related stuff from the…
Friday Cocktails – July 29, 2022
Friday has rolled around again, which means it is time for Friday Cocktails! This week saw us returning to my brother’s house from Nashville. We had a great time and then we were off to Charleston! I can’t even begin to tell you how much fun it has been for the last two weeks.
5 Useful Tips For Kitchen Remodeling
Have you been looking at your kitchen in recent months (or even years) and thought to yourself that it’s looking somewhat tired and dated? If so, you’re probably here today because you want to remodel your cooking space, but you’re unsure of how best to proceed. It’s easy to pay someone for a brand new…
Dealing With Work Stress? Here’s What To Do
Statistics indicate that approximately 83% of US employees experience work-related stress. Indeed, work stress can adversely impact your overall mental and physical health. You risk developing depression, anxiety, burnout, and other mental disorders. Likewise, stressed workers are likelier to develop unhealthy behaviors like alcohol and drug misuse and eating disorders. Workplace stress is also linked…
Vital Elements To Any Garden
Whether you are designing a garden in a new home, or you just want to revamp your current one, it’s important to know as much as possible about how to make it look its best, and how to get the most out of it too. This is actually easier than you might think, but you…
Top Gifts To Buy For The Wine Connoisseur in Your Life
You may have someone in your life (a family member or a friend) who loves wine. While on the surface it may seem like it is therefore easy to buy an appropriate gift at Christmas or for birthdays, in reality if you aren’t that familiar with this hobby, it can be a bit challenging to…
4 Easy Ways to Elevate The Home
When it comes to elevating the home, it’s really all about adding those subtle luxury touches. They’re often small but sweet. While magazines and shows may make luxury spaces feel impossible, that’s honestly further from the truth! It’s a simple process that can be quick, easy, and doesn’t need to break the bank either! No…