Sorting out your finances now to avoid problems down the line is one of the best things that you can do for yourself. It’s important to keep yourself in the best financial health as possible for as long as you can. In this article, we’re going to be taking a look at some of the…
Month in Review: April 2022
April saw our doctor’s appointments slow down a bit. There weren’t as many and although other things happened I could not be more thrilled that it slowed down as much as it did. I completed my sleep study last night and am waiting for those results. Y’all know how much I hate waiting for them….
Friday Cocktails – April 29, 2022
Friday has rolled around again, which means it is time for Friday Cocktails! Can you believe it is the last Friday of the month already? It seems so crazy, but there you go. This week did see some appointments. In fact, we had a full day of them and so much driving that I swear my butt…
The Essential Pieces Every Woman Needs In Her Wardrobe
A well-rounded wardrobe is essential for every woman. While the items you choose may vary depending on your personal style, there are a few key pieces that every woman should have in her closet. The following blog will discuss the essential pieces that every woman needs in her wardrobe. It will cover everything from dresses…
Sisters Are Complicated!
There are moments and days like this one when I ask that of God more than I should. This morning has been trying. My sister said she was coming down, but no one heard from her this morning. She was a recovering addict. I say was, but she is back to acting the way she did…
4 Stress-Free Tips To Decorate Your New Home
Once you’ve bought or started renting a new property, you might think that you’re done with all of the stress. While you’ll be over the main hurdle, you’ll still have a few things to take care of. Decorating will be one of the more notable.
How You Can Help Your Teenager Do Better At School
Like adults, children can experience ups and downs in their working lives. During their early academic careers, they are subjected to a variety of external influences that conspire to interrupt their progress or set them on the incorrect path. Whether your child is very intelligent, average, or has special needs, there is every reason to…
How to Protect Your Family From Break Ins
Whether you are at work or on vacation for a few weeks, your home could be vulnerable to break-ins. The last thing you want to see when you come home is a mess in your rooms because the place has been ransacked. Invest in robust home security, and don’t worry.
Waiting.. Waiting.. You Get the Picture
I know I have been talking about the doctors’ visits and such a lot lately. Hopefully, that is where our daily lives have taken us the most in the last couple of months. It seems like every single time one sees a doctor, they have another test or specialist that they need to see. I…
How Seniors Can Stay Healthy
No matter what your age, it is important to take care of your body and prevent illness. But if you’re 65 or older, something as simple as the flu or common cold can progress and lead to complications. This includes secondary infections like pneumonia, bronchitis, an ear infection, or a sinus infection. If you have…