Although not all babysitters smoke around your toddler while your baby is away, maybe yours do. This can be an uncomfortable truth that you have to face because not all will act kind and pleasant when you’re away. You won’t have concrete evidence about the misdemeanors that other people in your house are doing. There’s…
Making Cleaning Leaves Fun And Interesting?
You’re probably thinking, ‘this shall be a hoot’ but we’re serious, cleaning up leaves can be fun. It’s something that is therapeutic, as you’re slowly going around making things neat and tidy, while also racking up a pile of soft leaves that could act like your napping bed for the next half hour. Now every gardener has…
How to Spark Attraction Over Text
You may want to build and spark an attraction to the girl that you like through text. You can read more about creating ways of subtle attraction in this link. You may want to get to know someone, give them attention, have late-night conversations, or get them back to like you. If you want a…
Friday Cocktails – March 12, 2021
It’s Friday again and time for Friday Cocktails! Spring is in the air and that means we can go out and have picnics. I will say I have missed picnics. Don’t worry we are still social distancing and wearing masks here. We have to be super careful but we are getting outside more and enjoying the…
4 Ways to Support the Seniors in Your Community
Pexels – CCO Licence If you’re the kind of person who loves to give back to your community, help people, and volunteer for the good of the people around you, there can be nothing more rewarding than supporting the seniors in your life to live happier, healthier, more connected lives. With that in mind, here…
Lyra Swim has Plus Size!
Raise your hand if this is you. You got to the beach or the public pool and you end up wearing an oversized tee or even leggings. I’ve had those moments as well. I’m a plus size gal and well, I always feel like everything is hanging out everywhere. The worst feeling is that everyone…
Why is Practicing Altruism so Important?
Looking out for your fellow human being can often be an intrinsic part of life’s journey. Wanting to help where possible is an individual mindset that helps to strengthen community, form lasting bonds, and promote a global humanity. This materializes in a myriad of forms however, giving rise to a host of benefits.
Bath Bombs for Kids Giveaway
I am so thrilled to be sharing this giveaway with you. These are some awesome looking bath bombs with kids that have toys inside. I didn’t even know they made something like this. So take a few minutes to read all about them and then enter for your chance to win. Good Luck if you…
How To Match Your Jewelry To Your Outfit
Jewelry can make an outfit look more formal, bring some interest to a simple look, or add a pop of color. Jewelry can be used to list an outfit for men and women. Pairing the right jewelry with the right outfit improves the look of both, but it can be difficult to do. Here’s how…
Costs for Roofing Homes in 2021 – How to Compare Estimates?
Have you already interviewed the most promising roofers in your community? Have they provided you with estimates? The process of quote comparison is pivotal in choosing the best professionals to handle your roofing project. A handful of factors are worth considering when comparing project prices, such as warranties, materials, and incidentals. There are hundreds of…