I have a confession to make. I am one of those women who really don’t do much in the daily beauty department. I rarely (if ever) put on makeup anymore and only clean my face like once a day. I know! I know! I really need to up my game but I hate going through…
5 Things I Can’t Live Without
I wrote this post originally on A Lucky Grace but after moving those posts and going through I decided this was better over here. I expanded on it and hope that you enjoy it. We all know there are things and people that we just can’t live without. I mean we need oxygen, I need…
Calm Before the Storm + It’s a Great Day for Pi Giveaway Hop
March is the beginning of a busy time for me. With spring coming it means that there are projects that I need to either get started on or figure out if they are going to be something that I am even going to bother with them. It also means spring cleaning and going through everything…
3 Shortcuts to Make Moving Easier and Get Settled Quicker
Even though some 40 million Americans move each year, packing up all your belongings and saying goodbye to a home and/or community you’ve lived in for years is still a daunting and emotional task for most people. Of course, it’s easy to see why, as moving requires a ton of work and logistics to ensure everything…
How to Support a Loved One Going Through a Hard Time
Whether it’s due to bereavement, job loss, money troubles or something else, it can be hard to see a loved one going through a difficult period. You want to be able to help them but may be worried about intruding into their life or making the situation worse. There are lots of ways you can…
Lent Has Begun
I wrote this post last year on the same day but I thought it would nice to share it with y’all again since I know that many of you wonder and have asked. Today is Ash Wednesday and the beginning of Lent for Catholics as well as other religions. So just what is Lent? Well…
Why Your Children Shouldn’t be Drinking Energy Drinks
While energy drinks might make you feel great in the moment, they are not good for your health. This applies especially to children – energy drinks are damaging to their teeth, as well as their overall mental and physical health. This is highlighted by the Monster energy class action lawsuit.
Call of the Wild
Have you heard that Call of the Wild is opening in theaters February 21, 2020? I am so excited about this movie and can’t wait for it! In fact, we are planning (fingers crossed Ma comes home from the hospital) to go and see it this weekend. I can tell you it is going to…
Why is it so difficult to get disability benefits?
The reputation of the Social Security Disability Benefits system is that of a difficult, long-winded and arduous process. It is associated with long waiting times, appeals procedures and tight frameworks that seem unfair against people suffering from some serious conditions. Therefore, ‘social security disability lawyers near me’ is usually the thing most applicants look for…
5 Tips for a Happy & Healthy 2020
If you haven’t exactly done your best to be your happiest and healthiest self in years past, there’s always time to turn things around in the months ahead. Even though certain aspects of self-improvement may not have been one of your New Year’s resolutions, there’s no time like now to start making positive changes that…