You read that correctly. I wanted to touch base with all of you and let you know that will be sending the newsletters on a new day. Why am I changing the day, you ask? It is pretty simple. It works out better for me and my schedule if I change the day.
1 Year Prime Membership Giveaway #LoveIsInTheAir
Review Wire Media and Chatty Patty’s Place have it again! They have put together another hop that we can all fall in love with. I always love taking part in these hops because it gives my readers a chance to connect with new blogs. I always check out the different blogs as well. Sometimes I find one or…
February 2019 Camera Giveaway
I told y’all I had several cameras to give away this year. I purchased them when they were on sale over the holidays last year. Doing that means I have enough to make several people happy throughout the year. I haven’t decided if I will be giving one away each month or maybe have a…
Staying Hydrated Thanks to the SodaStream Fizzi One Touch
How many of you have New Year’s resolutions that involve drinking more water? It is one of mine and I will tell y’all that I have the hardest time drinking enough water. I HATE water! I really do and I have found that if I add a little flavor I can handle it okay. That…
5 Fashion Tips for Moms in 2019
Who even cares about getting the latest catwalk monstrosities when you’re too busy cooking healthy meals and tidying up after the kids? It’s hard enough running a household, so trying to keep up with the latest fashion trends doesn’t seem like a priority. The good news is that fashion for moms doesn’t have to mean…
Don’t Let These Things Leave Your Bank Account Empty
If there’s one thing that causes more anxiety for a lot of people than just about anything else, it’s money. Whether you like it or not, the truth is that money really does make the world go round. Which is what can make it such an unpleasant and scary experience when you end up in…
My 2019 Business Goals
I told myself there was no way I was going to make any sort of resolutions that I would end up not following through on. Then, I did write a few things down. In fact, on both blogs I shared a few of those with you. I am so ANTI resolutions that you would not…
NewAir AB-1200BP 126-Can Pepsi Beverage Fridge
You know I never thought about needing a fridge to put sodas in. When I was given the opportunity to review the NewAir AB-1200BP 126-Can Pepsi Beverage Fridge I thought okay. After all it might be something fun and in the end if it wasn’t something I liked I knew my brother would. What I…
Delicious Blueberry Cheesecake
This is an example of a WordPress post, you could edit this to put information about yourself or your site so readers know where you are coming from. You can create as many posts as you like. This is an example of a WordPress post, you could edit this to put information about yourself or…
Bored by Your Daily Reality? Make These Changes
There are some things that you just can’t change in life, but there are also a whole lot of things that can be changed. If you’re finding yourself feeling bored by your daily routines, habits and general reality, it could be a wise idea to rethink your lifestyle and make some changes to it. We…