Divorce, it is the dirty word of all marriages. No one ever thinks they will get divorced on their wedding day. You think about all the happiness in your future. However, the cruel fact is that about 40-50% of couples divorce in America. As a Catholic I never thought for a single second I would…
ADEXE London Watch Giveaway
I have a new giveaway to share with y’all today. I am thrilled to be able to share it with and I want to wish any of you who enter good luck. I don’t know about y’all but I love watches. I have so many in different colors, shapes, sizes, etc. I will even admit…
What You Need to Know About a 20′ Shipping Container
20 foot containers are among some of the most popular sizes of containers available. The others are the 40 foot and 10 foot containers. Almost everywhere you see containers displayed, you are certain to find a 20 foot size there.
4 Things To Do With Your Wedding Items After The Big Day
You go through months and months of planning your wedding and the big day is finally here! You put on your dress, your heels, your makeup, and of course, your jewelry, and then the day seems to fly by. It’s probably the most amazing experience ever, but it’s gone in a blink of an eye….
Not Related Like That
One thing about growing up in the south is that over the years people have asked me if I am inbred. Why you may ask? Well, because people have heard that is how it is in the south. I can honestly say I only know of one instance where there was weird family love going on…
Libman Spring Cleaning Giveaway
I have an amazing giveaway to share with y’all from Mommy’s Playbook. It is just what you need to help you in your spring cleaning efforts. I know that I am in desperate need of of a few extra cleaning supplies.
Getting Finances on Track with the Help of Hornet Partners
Finances are a huge part of every person’s life and one of the easiest things to do is get them off track. Sometimes, you don’t even realize that you have gotten them off track until it is too late. I know what you are going to say. It is such a huge undertaking to get…
Blog Love + Giveaway
What do you think of the new look? I went from hating my blog to loving it! There are so many things I love now compared to before. I will keep this post fairly short as it will be a giveaway too. In fact, the giveaway is big.
Loving WellsLock
I have a bit of a plastic fetish. I love getting new plastic ware but the problem none of it has ever lasted that long. Most of it didn’t do the rick of keeping food fresh at times either. So when I discovered Wellslock I knew I wanted to give them a try. I have…
When You Hate Your Blog
You read that title correctly. It got to where I hated my blog for so many reasons. The first was I had found a theme I thought was perfect only to discover after purchasing it would not work for me. It wouldn’t show things all nice and pretty the way the demo did. I could…