If you are always feeling as though you need to improve your financial situation, you are absolutely not alone. Many people feel this way, and it is often much harder than it needs to be to make sure that your money is working out well. The truth is that you need to focus on it…
Homemade Croissant
This is an example of a WordPress post, you could edit this to put information about yourself or your site so readers know where you are coming from. You can create as many posts as you like. This is an example of a WordPress post, you could edit this to put information about yourself or…
Southern New Year’s Traditions
It’s the first day of a brand new year. The day when millions of people set out to make resolutions that (most likely) less than half will follow thorough on. Me included. However, rather than tell you about those pointless things I thought I would share with you some of the traditions that us southerners…
Two Years Without Coffee
Two years ago I was told my an emergency room doctor that I needed to give up coffee. I was there because my head hurt so bad I couldn’t open my eyes. It turned out that my blood pressure was the culprit. There were a lot of things that she told me I needed to…
His Dream House
I was talking to my brother while he was on his way home from work and we were discussing about the house he wants to build. It is a topic that we come back to from time to time. The problem with the house he wants to build is that the land he wants is…
I Can’t Fly a Drone
I’m not being modest either. I can’t fly one of those things to save my life. Let me take you back a little bit. A year or two ago I thought I would buy the kids a drone. I mean it was something I kept seeing and I thought they would have great time with…
A Love Like That
Sometimes finding fun things to do with your husband can be a challenge. One that we women don’t always get right. Although there are those of us out there who manage to always be right with their husbands in the thick of anything fun. Of course what is fun for one couple may be like…
Are You a Jewelry Person?
One thing that I have always loved is jewelry. Mostly because I din’t really have to worry about size. Typically a ring fits if I gain a little weight unlike my pants. Necklaces and bracelets always fit as well. When you are a plus size gal you learn to make accessories and other items work…
Marketing in 2019
As the sole person who writes, manages, and does everything else for this blog all marketing duties fall to me. There was a time when you would find me sitting at my computer thirteen hours a day trying to make sure I tweeted the right amount of times, had the correct amount of posts, and…
Where is Sarasota?
My cousin called to tell me tat she was moving to Sarasota and you know what my first question was? Yep, you guessed it I asked her where int he world was that. My brain just had a moment where it could process the map for the fact that I had heard of the city…