I know there are many of you who are getting ready to move in the new year. I admit there are more than a few times that I wish I was moving as well. I think a big part of me is more than ready for a change. One of the biggest challenges while moving…
SEO in 2019
One thing that I am certainly working on in 2019 is my SEO. For those of you who don’t know what it is, SEO stands for search engine optimization. Sounds like something scientific doesn’t it? I’m sure that it does have a lot of science or at the least math in it. The biggest challenge…
I Really Want to Eat Here
Before I tell you about the place I want to eat at I need to say that I would love to win the lottery just so I could travel around and eat at different restaurants. I don’t know about all of y’all but I love me some barbecue. Not it doesn’t always love me but…
Home Projects
With the new year fast approaching it is time to start making your list of resolutions. Many of you will have getting your home projects on there. Maybe tackling the big projects. For us it will be finding contractors to deal with updating the bathrooms. It is something that needs to be done and something…
She Stole My Business Idea
Okay, not really! My sister in-law told me recently that she was starting her own business. Nothing big and fancy but something small. Then she went on to tell me all about the products she was going to sell. I wanted to laugh and yell at the same time. I had been thinking about the…
Tools for Every Job
“There is a tool for every job out there.” My father once told me that. At the time I thought he had flipped his lid. I didn’t care about tools or jobs. I was too young to care about all of those things. Yet, now as an adult I remember those wise words as well…
Becoming Shady Pines
I know that many of you have heard me refer to my house as Shady Pines. It is a term I use often. In fact, I have even referred to myself as the director of Shady Pines. If you think you have heard that before it is because you most likely have. The retirement home…
The High Costs of Medical Tests
I spent most of the day yesterday making appointments and such for everyone for the new year. I also spent way more time than I wanted to going over everyone’s different medical insurance updates for 2019. I swear there are times when I am reading all of it that I feel like I need some…
Holiday Gift Guide: Noobie Box
I love gift boxes and Noobie Box is certainly no exception to that. What’s better than getting a box full of surprises. I’m not always picky either. Getting a box full of samples will excited me just as much as a box of full sizes. Of course there are items that you don’t always care…
Holiday Gift Guide: Ivy & Fig
Hello handbags! I love handbags!! I do they are the one thing that always seem to fit regardless of what my dress size is. Ivy & Fig and some handbags that are stylish and functional. Functional is important. What good is a handbag that doesn’t function the way I need it to. I have a…