Buying gifts for grandparents isn’t always easy. I no longer have any living grandparents and my mother lives with us so we don’t have to worry about sending anything. However, if she didn’t or if we had grandparents that live a long distance GrandBox is the gift I would send to them. It is designed…
Holiday Gift Guide: Elfbox
I have reviewed many subscription boxes over the years. The ones for kids are almost always a favorite in my house. I will tell you that the box we got from Elfbox could not have been a better box. The toys inside were beyond compare and I swear I wanted to keep them all. We…
Holiday Gift Guide: IG Grill
I will admit that it has been a bit too cold to be grilling the last week or so but boy do I enjoy it. I’m not that great at and I really love a charcoal grill although my uncle swears by gas. I have hard time with the gas grill which is why I…
Make the Move Easier on Kids
Moving is never easy for adults. It is even worse for kids. Talking with my friend yesterday got me to thinking more and more about her kids. Her youngest is only two and I can only imagine how hard it is going to be for that little guy to move. They are hoping to move…
All Over the Place
I have felt like I have been all over the place the last week or so. I am sure that y’all have been thinking the same thing. The holidays are just so busy around here. You add in all of the year-end stuff and it can be a mad house sometimes. Not to mention the…
Finding Blogging Topics
As a blogger this is something I struggle with more than you can possible know. Finding topics to write about is not always easy. I sometimes make a list for the next month and then change it a dozen times before I make a final decision. So just how to do I go about finding…
House Envy
Have I told y’all they are building a house next door to me? I am pretty sure that I have and I will tell you now that I have all sorts of house envy. I mean my house is great, don’t get me wrong but there is so much to love inside the new house…
When I typed that I ended up with a song stuck in my head! I mean I am singing it as I type. Some days it just happens. Anyway I was talking to my friend in Arlington earlier and she was telling me about the new house the had purchased but she was so busy…
Year-End Business Mode
It is getting close to the end of the end and I am in full on year-end business mode. Everything for the year has to be closed out and I am left going through what worked, what didn’t and where all of the things I did over the year left me business wise. Outstanding bills…
5 Tips for Refinancing Your Mortgage
This is the time of year when many people worry about money. How will they buy gifts for everyone? How will they pay off their credit cards form the massive amount of spending they did for the holidays? After all, at some point we all have to pay the piper, aka the credit card companies….