5.1 million U.S. consumers were victims of weight-loss scams in 2011, the Federal Trade Commission reports. The next biggest scam was prize promotions, deceiving just 2.4 million in comparison. People want to lose weight and quick-fix solutions are too good to pass up. Most of us have tried out some form of fitness miracle promising us our…
Why Our Lives Revolve Around Money
You wake up, you make a cup of coffee, you pour yourself some cereal. But how did those simple items get in your home? Money. You drive to work, get stuck in annoying traffic, and your petrol light comes on. How are you going to put more fuel in the tank? Money! There are very…
Heading Home Again
This is just a quick little FYI to let you all know that today we are back on the road and heading home. What does that mean for you here on the blog? Not a thing in the world! Everything will run the same as it always does. It only matters if you email me…
5 Tips to Sending Flowers from the Web
The internet is a paradigm shift. Businesses today, have found a dire need to come up with e-commerce stores to display some of their best products. The flowering industry has not been left out of this. Nowadays, it is convenient to ask for deliveries from the internet. Not only can you use the internet to…
Women in Business
I was thinking today after talking with my mother and realized that during her generation there wasn’t very many women in business. I mean you had a few but they certainly did not generally run Fortune 500 companies the way that many of them do today.
In the South
I you don’t already know , I am a Southern gal. I’m talking Scarlett O’Hara sounding (yes, that’s my real voice in those videos and certain words are much more accented than others), sweet tea drinking, come over and get fed southern. It’s funny how southern I am considering there are some very non-southern things…
DINNERLY: Summer Cooking Made Easy
disclosure One thing that I hate to do during the summer is cook. I never know what to make and I would rather be out doing other things. Not to mention we go on vacation for a month at a time. After lots of thinking I realized that a food subscription box was the way…
A Beginners Guide to Buying a New Home
Investing in your first home is a big step. Not only will you be committing your life and finances to one property for a select number of years, but you’ll also need to make sure you choose the right mortgage agreement and a safe, friendly neighborhood. Between endless paperwork, lawyer fees and credit checks, it’s…
2 Genius Ways To Free Up More Money For Family Fun
I don’t know about you, but what I love spending my money on the most is fun things to do with the kids. Things like going out on day trips, treating them to some new outdoor toys, or getting together for a big, delicious family meal. Of course, there are some tactics you can use…
Taking a Blog Vacation
One of the best things about being a blogger is the fact that I can work from anywhere in the world. As long as I have an internet connection I am good to go. In fact I have worked from some of the strangest places. In airports, on the bus, waiting at the doctor’s office…