It is time for the 3rd Annual Super Stocking Stuffer hop brought to you all by the wonderful women at The Kids Did It & The Mommy Island.
Fallen Ink and Restless Ink Cover Reveals
The Denver chapter of the Montgomery family may have come to a close – but Carrie Ann Ryan is introducing us to the Colorado Springs branch next year, and we cannot WAIT! We have not just one, but two, covers from this new series to share with you today. Check out the awesome covers below and preorder your copies now!
Planning Ahead: Tips for Surviving the Unexpected
If something is truly unexpected, then, by its very nature, you cannot plan for it. There are some things that happen in life that you didn’t even know were possible. Those events cannot be foreseen. Those are the real catastrophes that leave you devastated for a long time.
The more informed about the possibilities you are, the less likely you will be caught off guard. The fewer things that are truly unexpected, the more prepared you will be. Here are a few more tips for surviving the unexpected:
QuocoNow Subscription Box
Have I got a subscription box for all of you! It is called QuocoNow (Cook Now) and each month you will receive tools that every chef (or want to be chef) will love. I didn’t know that a box this amazing even existed.
Hot Water Bottle #peterpanhotwaterbottle
How many of you have ever used a hot water bottle? How many of you actually know what I am talking about? I had to ask because I had to explain what one was to my sister in-law when mine came in. I knew what they were because I can remember my Grandmother having one when I was growing up.
At Your Service by Lexi Blake Excerpt
Juliana O’Neil’s promising future was burned away in the heat of battle. She had been an officer with a bright future in the military, but now she is struggling to survive. Her husband gone and her career in shambles, she finds a job at Top as a hostess and tries to put together the pieces of her life. The last thing she needs is any kind of male attention, but she can’t help but be amused at her neighbor and coworker’s lothario antics. Not that she would have anything to do with him, at least not for more than one night.
Is a Land Survey Usually Included in an Agreement with a Contractor?
Whenever you enter into an agreement with a contractor it is important to be aware of what is and isn’t included. After all, if you think that they will take care of all the waste removal and then discover they haven’t; you could be left with a significant bill.
There are many different factors involved in any type of contractual agreement. For instance, have you considered how to remove wet and dry waste in large quantities without destructive digging. You may not have even heard of vacuum excavation but it is an effective solution to this problem which can save you from having to deal with damaged utilities.
Teach Your Kids with The Mass Box
One things about being Catholic is attempting to teach your kids about the mass each Sunday. It is not always easy to do and that is why I love The Mass Box. It helps me do just that in a way the kids understand.
5 Hacks to Keep Your Sanity This Holiday Season
There’s holiday advice we’ve all heard a hundred times: mail your cards early, leave for the airport with enough time to battle a zombie horde and watch a long-form documentary, bake cookies, bake some more cookies, and then bake a few more cookies. Carry little one-size-fits-all presents in case Tom at work springs a surprise gift on you, and honestly, you didn’t even know you two were at the gift-giving level of friendship. There are so many tips and tricks floating around every holiday season that you’ll end up rocking back and forth in a closet trying desperately to remember the name of that one reindeer.
10 Questions To Ask When Buying A New Home
Buying a home at any time in your life is a huge commitment. This is why it is absolutely essential that you carry out the proper research before you sign on the dotted line and commit to a mortgage.