If you like to take road trips or carry a bunch of items around with you at any given time, you may want to invest in purchasing roof racks that can hold your cargo. This can save time and money in having to haul items in a rental truck or make more than one trip…
Oh the Bugs!
One of things that summer always brings is bugs! Have I told you all how much I hate bugs! There are so many different types of bugs that are out in the south that I couldn’t name them all if I wanted to. I recently discovered that the bugs in Boston are super serious. At…
#Konnor Strong Lumbar Support Waist Cushion Backrest
One of the worst things about sitting at your desk all the time is that my back hurts a lot. The problem is that I lean over a lot to do my work without thinking about it. I sometimes sit with my heating pad in my chair just so I can make it through the…
RHEA Footwear for Father’s Day
I don’t have to buy Father’s Day gifts anymore and while I am not saying that as something I am thrilled about but just stating the fact. However I can tell you that when I did buy them I always had the hardest time picking out what I wanted to give my dad. He was…
Dominick & the Dragon by Anne K. Edwards
Dominick and the Dragon, by Anne K. EdwardsAge level: 4-8Price: $1.99Pages: 42Find on Amazon One thing we love around here is reading wonderful books. I have one to bring to you all that I was so thrilled and honored to get to read. The kids enjoyed this book so much! Synopsis: Dominick is a lonely…
How The Internet Can Help You Get Well Again
Since we live in a world of abundant products and services to improve every facet of our lives, it’s easy to get so overwhelmed that we stop looking for solutions that can help us with self-care. Instead, we bravely trudge along, perhaps complaining now and then to a sympathetic listener. Unfortunately, by ignoring our problems…
3 Ways to Get More Instagram Followers
From a simple photo-sharing app, Instagram has evolved into an incredible social media powerhouse and has become an essential must-have for any smartphone. Today, millions of users post a variety of photos in overwhelming quantity and it is sometimes challenging to keep up. While the huge number of Instagram active users is a great opportunity…
5 Best Types of Rugs to Protect Your Kitchen Hardwood Floor
Nowadays, hardwood floors go hand in hand with stylish modern interiors. Be it a kitchen floor or a living room floor, you should take a special care to protect it. Frequent mopping and heavy-weight thing dropping can drastically damage your hardwood floor. The kitchen hardwood floor is particularly prone to damages. The best way to…
Your Attitude to Driving and the Driving Test
Taking a driving test in Hawaii – having the right attitude Hawaii is a place where it’s easy to have a laid back attitude. If you are used to heading to the beach at the weekend or sitting outside watching the amazing sunsets at night, it’s easy to feel laid back. There are times when…
Urban Fantasy Book Fair
Lenore is taking part in the Urban Fantasy Book Fair where you all can enter to win a Kindle HD as well as a $50 Amazon Gift Card. I will tell you now that I entered because I mean come on! This book fair is being hosted and held by The Book Nymph PR and…