I don’t know about all of you but I am a sucker for jewelry. Especially when that jewelry is beautiful and makes a statement, although I only own a few statement pieces. I try to make sure that the pieces I do own really say something about me. If you know in the real world…
Career Concerns: Will I Ever Land My Dream Job?
If there’s one career concern that plagues a lot of people, it’s whether it’s possible to land that dream job. We spend our lives hoping and praying that one day we will do the job of our dreams, the job that we’ve been lusting over since we began our careers. However, what a lot of…
Dryzle Auto Open Reverse Umbrella
I don’t know about y’all but I have probably ten or more umbrellas. I try to keep at least one in the car at all times because you never know when you are going to need it. The problem is that the one I have only honestly will allow one person to get…
Hot Topic Thrusday: 5 Facts About Me
One of the great things about writing a blog is that I get to share parts of myself with you all. However, as much as I do share that doesn’t mean that you all know me on a personal level. SO I thought today I would share five things about myself that you may…
3 of the Best Automatic Litter Boxes for Cats in 2017
Cats are one of the most popular animals to have as pets. They can be very good companions with their comforting eyes and fur providing us warmth. While they are easily trained, cleaning and dealing with their feces and urine all over the place can be a very tiring task, not to mention unhygienic and…
Spring Cleaning Here I Come!
I have been complaining for the last week or so about the weather and wanting it warmer. One of the biggest reasons is because I am ready to spring clean the house. I can’t wait until I can open the doors and windows and air out the house a little. There is so much that…
3 Common Aches And Pains And How To Medicate From Home
Image Credit Most of us don’t want to intrude on our health professional of choice just for a sore throat or a bit of a toothache. Often it’s much cheaper and more efficient to treat problems from home, even when you feel like you’re falling apart. There are certain common types of aches and pains…
Help Your Scalp Stay Healthy
Image source If you want your hair to look as luscious and lovely as a shampoo commercial model, you need to take good care of not only your hair but also your scalp. In fact, ensuring your scalp is healthy is probably more important! Thankfully, it is actually very easy to keep your scalp in…
Family Friday: March 17, 2017
It’s Friday again and that means I am bringing you an update on the family. We will be checking in with the senior citizens in the house as well as the kiddos and all of the other craziness that I call my daily life. I wouldn’t change a single moment of it even if there may…
Hot Topic Thursday: 3 Things About St. Patrick
Hello all! It is Thursday again and that means another hot topic. Since tomorrow is St. Patrick’s day I thought I would share three facts with you all about the man himself. If you didn’t know I am Roman Catholic and we tend to take our saints seriously. I learned all of the saints…