It’s time for another hot topic and this week are the high expectations that I have always placed on myself. I’m that it has something to do with my OCD but I always expect more from myself than I would from anyone else. I feel like such a failure when I don’t meet those…
Wake Up And Smell The Healthy
We all know that the lifestyle we choose has a huge effect on our health. Even so, many of us fail to make the changes necessary to live in the right way. And yet, we’re surprised when we fall ill. The worst part is, it’s not hard to live a healthy life. Small changes are…
A Busy Woman’s Guide To Making Time For The People You Love
Can you honestly say you spend enough time showing your loved ones how much they mean? If you’re anything like most people, the chances are you don’t. We’re all too busy! Even so, life is too short. Your loved ones should be the most important thing in your world. As such, you should take the…
Judoit Jeep Grill Keychains
For those of you who don’t already know let me tell you how much my brother loves to Jeep. So does Lenore for that matter and I was pulled into the group of Jeepers a couple of years ago. I tell you that I love hanging out with all of them and always have a…
Tons of Sound in a Small Speaker
I don’t know about all of you but I love listening to music. In fact in my home music is played more than anything else. I listen to it while I am cleaning the house, while I am a cooking, and while I am working. The one thing that you will find all over the…
Get Everything Right For Your New Home
We have all been there and we have all done it. Therefore, we all know how stressful moving home can be, and how much pressure it can put on us.When we initially think about selling our home, it is easy to misinterpret, or completely forget, how much work is involved. From finding the right buyers,…
Wacces Resistance Band Set
If you have been following me then you know that my friend Lenore and I have been working out in an effort to get healthy. I’m doing to support her and honestly this time not thinking about it seems to be working for me. I have no problem getting up everyday and working with her….
Dream Rodeo Outfit
As most of you know I am a southern girl at heart. One who knows how to wear a great pair of boots or who can appreciate a rodeo. It’s surprising I know but it is true! The big rodeo is coming to Houston on March 7-26 and King Ranch is hosting their very first…
Second Home Hunting
If you are in a position to get a second home, say a holiday home or a place you want to stay in for half a year or so then you have certainly done well for yourself. Soaring house prices these days have priced most people out of buying one house let alone a second…
The Art Of Enjoying The Weekend
Week in, week out, and every weekend seems to go faster and faster. It’s hard to believe that not so long ago you were decorating the house for the Christmas celebrations, and it’s now almost time to start your Spring cleaning. Time flies, and weekends, as a sad result, become more and more difficult to…