One of the many things I do around here (meaning my home) is sort everyone’s medicines. We got a lot of it too. I have daily medications, Ma does, my uncle does and Sam does. Ma is the one I’ve struggled with the most. She wants to deal with it herself but I haven’t found a method that works for her. That is until I received the AUVON Weekly Pill Organizer. This little system has changed my life.

It is rather simple when you look at it. Each day has three compartments; morning, noon, and night. Pretty straight forward right? Ma takes medicine when she gets up, at dinner (supper for y’all southerners who are screaming about me calling it dinner, Ma does too), and then bedtime. So I knew the AUVON Weekly Pill Organizer would work for her.
I take each day and fill them for her. Well, I do it on Saturday night for the week for everyone cause I have no life it would seem. Just kidding! I set everyone up for the week so I can be sure everyone is actually taking them medicine. Ma got the flu one year and I discovered her housecoat full of pills where she was putting them when I handed them to her to take. Now we go through the whole Nurse Ratchet, let me see under your tongue routine.

She is much better about them now. Each little daily container in the AUVON Weekly Pill Organizer has the day written on it. That means she can go by the days or the colors cause each day is a different color as well.

Then you have the clear container that holds all of the days. Ma can easily set the next day on top of her dresser when she goes to bed. This is honestly the best system we have had for her.

This is a system that gives me piece of mind. Ma takes all of her medicine without fail. That could be because she’s knows I’m gonna check but hey honestly, this organizer got her excited. Anything that excited her is more than perfect in my book.

In my opinion this AUVON Weekly Pill Organizer is perfect. I am so thrilled to have discovered it and will tell you it has made our life easier. I no longer have to worry about making sure Ma’s medicine is ready for her.
I sure can use something this organized. I am on so many pills since dealing with cancer.
I am so sorry you are dealing with cancer. This will help with the number of medicines you are on.
Thanks for the great review. I would so love to get this for my mom. I so love the different colors for each day that is super important and helpful.
That is one thing I love about it as well. The colors help since she is beginning to have a difficult time seeing words.
looks useful
Yes it is, thank you.
These would be very helpful for those that take multiple medications. I like that they are different colors for different days.
It is useful Dana! Ma is loving this and it has helped so much. I swear I’m going to enough of these for three months so when I go on vacation I can set her up completely.
This would be very useful for vitamins, too!
YES! I can totally see this being used for vitamins.
Back when I used to travel… I used these. When I’m at home I don’t have that much to keep track of.
That it me. However since I have so many different medicines when we travel I generally keep them in their own bottles. God forbid something happens and we end up getting medicines confused.
Thankfully I don’t have to keep track of any pills, but this looks like a good system!
Be grateful that you don’t have any. I swear it looks like a pharmacy around here on Saturday nights when I refil everything for the week.
This would have helped me SO much when I was caregiving my mom!
It is a huge help.
These are great! I really need a set. I have so many pills I take with my chronic illness. I also love the bright colors!
I’m sorry you have to take so many medications. The colors are really great.
A great way to keep things organized and stay on track.
Yes it is and we are loving it.
My mother always said my day would come and it has and I am using a pill organizer. Not as attractive as the one you posted though and a very more functionable for travel.
I know what you mean. I swear this would never happen to me but Iwell, now I one too.
Nice! This would have been a huge help when I was caregiving my mom
I will have to check this out. Thank you for the information.