I don’t know about all of you but it is HOT here in the South and there are bugs all over the place. I swear when I go outside I can hear them saying “OMG it’s a buffet!” They have to be saying things like that because they make a beeline for me. I was checking out this site about mosquitos and learned a lot of information. Information that is going to be helpful in keeping the bugs away this summer.
One of the things I learned is that mosquitos kill over a million people a year worldwide. Can you imagine that? This tiny little thing is so deadly. They carry all sorts of things such as malaria (which means Bad Air in Latin.)There is a lot of information and I think I am actually going to use the information in a homeschool lesson. So how am I planning on staying bug free during this hot and humid summer?
First thing is to get rid of the standing water. Last year we had to have need septic lines put in and haven’t done anything yet about the one place where the water doesn’t drain away any time it rains. I am having that corrected soon as I want to be able to walk outside and not be assaulted. After all even Julius Caesar knew to stay away from marshes and such.
Another thing I make sure we do is put on repellent every time we have to go outside. Especially the kids. I had a mosquito bite get infected once after I scratch it and that is something I don’t want my children to have to suffer through. We also have a bug zapper (I know it is a bit cruel) out on the back porch. It really helps keep things under control if we are out there at night. Although we don’t go out there much at night.
Those are just a couple of the things that we are doing this summer to stay bug free while we try to enjoy some of the heat. How do you control mosquitos in your home and yard?
I like to use a product I found a long time ago. Skin So Soft BugGaurd from Avon. It has a sunscreen and bug repellant. My sister and I found it while we were planning a trip to Miami. It is sunny and a total bug zone there, but we love going there so we needed something that was good. It is a great product!
Right now, my husband and I are looking at homes and we love the ones we find that have a screened in porch. If it doesn’t have one, we are installing one.
Diana C
We use spray on repellant, off candles, and a tent that has netting for when we eat outside. And we also want to try a bug zapper but haven’t purchased it yet. I also got rid of our standing bird bath.
I had to laugh at your “bug buffet” line. I’m the same – they LOVE me. We used a service to spray our yard before a big outdoor party and it was wonderful not to worry about getting eaten alive. The spray is supposed to be pet and bee friendly but I don’t know if we’ll continue with the expense. Maybe in the summer – it sure was nice!
I dislike mosquitoes, my parents live 800ft from the road, basically in the bush, there are so many mosquitoes there it’s awful..we try to never walk on the grass at dusk because they will eat you alive, we stay on the concrete pad all the time..urgh
It’s really difficult to control mosquitoes here in New Orleans – they are everywhere. We just try to avoid any standing water and use Off when we go outside. This year, they seem to be especially bad. 🙁
We luckily haven’t had to many problems with mosquito’s yet this summer. I do try to make sure we use Off spray and also light Off candles. I can’t believe that they kill one million people a year. That is beyond amazing! ?Now I am going to be OCD about making sure we put on repellent spray when we are out.
The bugs are the only bad part of summer! I really hate mosquitoes, as I have allergic reactions sometimes to their bites. I use citronella candles & we have a bug zapper. We also use insect repellants.
There is something about me that mosquitoes seem to love. When they bite me it really swells up. Thankfully they are not too big of a problem around here.
Very very useful tips to avoid the bugs. SOme days can be really bad.