Disclosure: This is a sponsored post with CampusBookRents. However all opinions are 100% my own and may differ from yours.
I have actually been thinking about taking a couple of college classes. You know just a few refresher courses because I don’t have a enough to do. One thing that has been holding me back is the costs. I remember how much books and everything cost and with our tight budget I am just not so sure. I do know that CampusBookRentals can help me with that.
They offer some great perks such as 40-90% off bookstore prices and free shipping both ways. I can even highlight in my books if I need to. That is huge! Of course the bigger perk is the flexible renting periods because so imagine my class schedule having to work around everything else I do.
CampusBookRentals has a new program called RentBack where students can rent textbooks they own to other students. You can earn 2-4times more than a traditional but back program.
Not to mention that CampusBookRentals donates to Operation Smile with every textbook that is rented. That is more than enough to convince me to use CampusBookRentals for my books. Now if I can just figure out which classes it is that I want to take. There are so many to choose from and I have it narrowed down to a small handful.
I had just heard about this and discussed with my kids. I have two daughters and a son in law who were doing online classes and now just my daughter is doing. She has this type of program. A son that is a Junior and hope they have something like this at the tech school he is going to start at for general classes. Books are SO expensive, take so much space, I dont think are very “green” anymore considering all the textbooks at some point will all be computer generated. I have a big HUGE box of my husbands’ college manuals and books in our basement. What a waste. outdated and never used again. This is a step in the right direction
I think it’s a good idea to rent the books, especially since they go out of date so quickly (I’m in nursing) so gone are the days where you want to hang onto an actually book for reference. It’s all computerized anyway. Great for saving money too.
I think it is a great idea to rent books since after you are done with them they just sit and collect dust. I need to talk to my daughter about them.
This is such a good idea for saving a lot of money. I wish it had been available back when I went to school!
Getting school books for such a great deal at Campus Book Rentals. My niece is in college and she needs to learn about this place. I will have to tell her how she can save money on books.
We just started using Campus books this year for our son who is in college. We saved a ton on books this term! I wish he had known about it sooner. We cold have saved a lot. Plus the send you the box to mail them back when you are done. One of his books this term was over $400! We rented it for like $75. There are some books that they don’t offer because they are specific to the college. I think every student should look into renting their books.
I love the RentBack and Operation Smiles programs! I have a son that is a junior in college and there are semesters when I swear his books cost more than his classes. Absolutely ridiculous! It is almost like a monopoly when it comes to must have books! I will telling him about RentBack today!