Today I’m heading back home and will be back to work on Monday. Why Monday you ask? The truth is because I had planned to ease back into it. After being gone three weeks I have plenty to catch up on.

Emails that need to be answered, plans to get started on, a pile of laundry that is as high as Mount Everest. Trust me there is plenty. I will be online everyday the rest of this week, but I have already scheduled all of my posts.
I hope that y’all have been enjoying all of the posts that I have been sharing. It has been so much fun to go back and share some of the posts that enjoyed so much years ago. I have enjoyed making things fresh again and couldn’t be more please. My vacation has gone well.
If you follow me over at A Lucky Grace then you already know what I have been up to. Let’s just say that here was a whole lot of nothing going on for me. I needed it way more than I thought I did. I thought I would drive myself up the wall. That I would be so lonely with all of the quiet but I wasn’t. This was certainly a time that gave me some peace.
Now though it’s time to get back into the real world and do all of my adult duties. Hopefully I will be able to do that with a little more pep in my step. I am refreshed and more than ready to start getting that Holiday Gift Guide ready. You will find more information about that baby coming soon along with much more.