Have you ever suffered from bad breath? We have all suffered from it at one time or another. I am no stranger to having those moments but the best moment I can remember happened just a few years ago. My mom and I were visiting my younger brother and my nephew, Reese, was with us one afternoon. My mom loves onions, strong smelling chips, all sorts of things like that. On this particular afternoon she had onions and Ranch dressing for lunch. A little later on anytime she talked we could smell her breath and I don’t mean from up close I am talking from the other side of the room. Reese looked me and then at her and said “That’s just naaaasty! You’re nasty Grandma!” I fell off the couch laughing because it was so funny and just so unexpected.
I am sharing this with you not to embarrass my mom (although I dang sure would be) but to tell you about Dentyne’s new Split2Fit pack and flavor Ice Mint Frost. I am one of those people who always carries gum in my purse, the car, just about everyone. I fact there is gum in desk drawers right now. I chew gum to prevent myself from eating too much. Dentyne however, recently did a very interesting survey and of all things on it this is what I found most interesting:
53% of Americans ages 18 to 34 have had an “intimate moment” cut short because they were unprepared. While granny panties or white briefs can be a mood-killer, 76% say bad breath would be a more embarrassing end to an “intimate moment” than unflattering underwear.
Now you know why I always carry gum around. Yeah I say it’s so I don’t eat so much but it is really because bad breath is just so embarrassing and I don’t want to be “naaaasty” in the words of Reese. Dentyne sent me some of their Split2Fit and the Mint Frost is FABULOUS (in my Grinch voice!) It is cool and refreshing (talk about a cliché) but not so powerful minty that the kids won’t chew it which means I had to hide it all. As a longtime Dentyne user I would have more than likely tried the new flavor without it being sent to me but since I was running low on gum I a super grateful that this came when it did. Check out the video below from Dentyne and check out the new Split2Fit pack in your local store.
seems to a good product !
thanks for the information.
Love the story. Yeah having bad breath no fun.
Love this gum.
You know your breath stinks when you can taste it, I don’t always smell it… actually I don’t think I have ever been able to smell my own funky breath, but I sure can taste it and that’s when you know iit is BAD!