Not so long ago I received an email asking to take someone off my newsletter list because they decided to not follow me since I posted Christian and faith based articles occasionally. I have to say this just devastated me. I never really had anyone say something like to me before. The person went on to explain why they felt the way they did and I understood.
One of the hardest things I think most of go through is our question of faith. As I told this reader mine has been tested time and time again it seems. My recent heart failure diagnosis sent me into a spiral. In the end I know that it comes down to what each of us believes and I do strive to not push my beliefs off on others because I don’t want someone to do that to me.
The email though got me to thinking that it could be possible other feel this way. So, I felt it was important to address it. Especially since there are new readers that haven’t seen any of those posts. I thought about dropping the faith related posts altogether since it really upset someone.
True to Myself
Then I realized that would be me trying to please others. A habit I have (and still am) worked hard to break. It means not being true to myself and I promised myself when I finally got free of the abusive marriage I had that I would never allow anyone to dictate how I lived my life. I am proud of the faith I fought hard to hold onto. There have been more than a few times that I let that faith go and lost more of myself to other things and people.
I occasionally write about my personal faith and the catholic faith in general. I do my best to ensure that readers know before they read a post that it is faith related. I understand completely when someone doesn’t agree with me or when they just don’t want to read it. We all have to be true to ourselves in whatever form that takes.
Open to Discussion
I am always open minded on the ideas or thoughts that my readers have as well. I encourage the discussions but always ask that people remain nice. There are so many different religions and faiths in the world that I never want to say only mine is the “correct” one. I had that done to me once in my own home and it was not a good feeling. I remember being so mad, I could almost spit nails.

I am not Catholic but I am a Christian. You show your concern for others by not wanting to upset anyone however everyone has their on beliefs and opinions, if I can’t respect you fir yours even if I don’t agree then we will not have a good relationship going forward. I see that you give this to others and if a handful can’t give this to you in return, then you are better off without them. This is my opinion only. But you go put of your way to explain your reasons for doing what you do and I value that. Thanks for being you and embracing being your true self.