Disclosure: The reviewer has been compensated in the form of a Best Buy Gift Card and/or received the product/service at a reduced price or for free
Did you know that October is Energy Awareness Month? I didn’t either but it is and there are many ways that you can be a part of it while saving a little money. October is a great time to upgrade to new energy-efficient appliances, television, or computer. Doing this will save you money on electricity bills. We upgraded our television and stove last year and my bills went form about $300 to $150-180 a month. My former appliances were super old and I still have a few appliances in desperate need of an upgrade and Best Buy is ready for Energy Awareness Month.
Best Buy has more than 2,300 unique ENERGY STAR® certified products available in Best Buy stores and online. Not to mention you can recycle and upgrade your old appliances through Best Buy’s recycling program where they will remove the old appliances for you and in some cases even reward you with a Best Buy Gift Card. Can you say let’s go shopping! That will help cut the average home’s annual energy bill of $2,200 down a good bit and you will see the results right away because energy efficient products can save money almost immediately. Like I said we noticed a huge difference in our energy costs.
While having energy efficient products saves you money many local utility companies provide additional ENERGY STAR Rebates that can save you up to $300! I know that our utility company offers this and was one of the reasons we upgraded when we did.Plus did I mention that Best Buy does it best to help you get your rebate by providing an online rebate finder? It’s that awesome! They make creating a Green home as easy as possible.
I didn’t know that it was Energy Awareness Month either. Great tip on checking with your local power company to see if they offer any rebates. We did that when we replaced our chest freezer. Next on my list is to replace our refrigerator. I would love a larger energy efficient one.