Raising culturally proud kids is not an easy task. As an American I am very proud of my heritage as mixed and blended as it is. I am part Cherokee Indian and French which is a unique blend but that is what being an American is all about.For Edgar being Mexican is just as important. His culture is full of a vibrancy and life that I have never seen before. They are so family oriented and hard-working yet know when to relax and have a good time.
Our children are a blend of all of that and we want them to be proud of who they are. I want them to be proud that my side is full of men and women who have given all for their country. While knowing that Edgar’s side has given them their sense of honor and family. How to manage that while there are many who only see the color of their of skin has been difficult. There have been many times they have been asked if they are illegal or heard the “he’s only with you for a green card” remakes made to me. That horrifies me knowing that my family fought so hard for our country to end up here.
How do I explain it all to my children? I show them the pictures of their ancestors who include one of the first astronauts, an inventor who gave us the fountain pen, men who died at the battle of The Alamo, Army generals, and more.I tell them that those men and those women fought to give me the right to love whom I choose, they died so that our children and our children’s children could live the lives they choose. That they are never to hold their heads down but to hold them high because yes they are Mexican but they are American as well and they know who they are.
The ignorance and racism that some people display is really amazing. I can’t imagine what it must be like to confront that on a regular basis. It would be bad enough to experience it personally, but to have your children exposed to it? I shudder.
There is a lot of racism today in America. We all need to do our part by accepting our neighbor and being kind to them no matter what nationality. We seen the racism this week with Miss America being called names and saying she is not an American. That is sad.
I’m of mixed Latin heritage and my husband is European American. I can already see how my kids are beginning their struggle with identity. I wish the world was a more accepting place, & would embrace people of all ethnicities.
that is a goal of mine when i have kids. We are scottish and german. I want them to understand both cultures. and as for ethnicities, i think it is even more important!
That’s just awful! I get remarks to for being dominican i was born there and my mom brought me to the us at the age of 3 and people make comments like you came over on a boat which is not the truth we came with a visa and it took us 12 years and thousands of dollars to finally gain residency. Some people are just plain rude and its important to teach our kids to be proud of who they are and ignore the ignorant people who are out there.
I found out dealing with the public that racism is much more a problem than a person might realize otherwise. It does seem that every generation it is getting better.
Great post! I can’t even wrap my head around the thought of someone saying those types of things to you or your children. I think in this day and age that everyone should be aware that America was built by all the immigrants that came to this country. I think it’s great that you are making sure your children are aware of all the heritage that makes up your family.
I think as a child it’s very diffcult being a different nationality. I was alwaysEmbarrassed about my culture. Now I love it and embrace it and wish I had been more involved as a child.
I think heritage is important, but I also think teaching children to enjoy and respect cultures different from your own is what helps them not grow up to be so proud of their own heritage, that they look down on those from a different one. =)
I don’t think enough children know about where they come from. I think heritage, culture and traditions are very important.