Wow it is hard to believe we are already to Day 11! Today I am writing about:
A memory you would love to relive.
There are so many memories I would love to relive. One that sticks out the most is the first time I never for sure that Edgar truly loved me. My mother and him were arguing and I was stuck in the middle. I remember my mother said something horrible and I broke down into tears.
Edgar didn’t scream at her or yell. He simply took me in his arms, dried my tears and told me it was okay. Not to worry. I asked him to stay but he said he would leave and so we walked out to the porch. Of course my mother followed to see if I was leaving with him. She was screaming and I stood there like an idiot not saying anything, just crying.
Edgar got into his truck to leave but instead got out and walked back to me again drying my tears and told me he loved me. Then he left. While that moment was fulfilling because I knew then just how much he loved me I would love to relive because I know now I should have got into that truck with him that night.
I just know that I should have. Everything worked out in the end but I still to this day regret not going with him that night.
I’ve made myself sick going over my regrets regarding past relationships. I try to remember it will work out in the end and God has a better plan for me than what I tried to plan for myself.
That is what I tell myself. Those moments when you do something that later you think why, I just remember that maybe you did just what God wanted you to do.
Interesting concept, I can’t even begin to count the moments I would love to relive if I could. Mostly I think I’d try to be nicer. Try to tell people how much they mean in the moment. I wish I could have the last conversation I had with my mom over again.
After my dad passed away I started doing that. Making sure I told everyone just what they meant to me each and every day just in case.
I can relate to this post. My mother was never a big fan of my husband, though it’s no fault of his. I don’t think ANYONE would have been good enough. Any man I brought home would be the guy who stole Mama’s baby. There were plenty of times I got in the middle of fireworks between the two of them. It was never easy.
WOW! Never regret!! That is my motto. I have had many chances to make different choices in my life but i always remind myself that the one i took got me where i am today! It might have not always been the right one but it made me the person i am! 🙂 Thankful for that.