It is Blogtober Day 1 and my topic is: Describe where or what you come from. The people, the places, and/or the factors that make up who you are. Well that should not be too hard. I live in a very small town in Georgia, although I have lived in many other places. I am a military brat in every sense of the word and those men and women are who made me who I am. I have a very strong sense of duty and self.
This place is fairly town and the sort of small town you see on television. I wish I could say a lot goes on here but it doesn’t. We have Fantasy in Lights every year and that brings in a lot of traffic but I like and hate it all at the same time. I am a city girl and I like to be able to go the grocery store after 6pm. While I also enjoy that when I go to the post office everyone knows my name and box number. If I have a package all I have to do is walk in and they go back there and get for me.
Are the stores really closed after 6pm?? I lived in a VERY mall place once, no mail boxes at any house. Just a small post office with free PO Boxes! I hated it, they had a liquor store attached to the post office (it was bigger than said post office) one store, a bar, and that was it! LOL
They are! We have one grocery store and it closes at 6pm, not open on Sundays. Most things close at 12 on Wednesday too.
Oh my! I can’t imagine not being to go shopping after 6pm! Spoiled here as have a 24 Asda (like Wal-Mart I guess for you) about 20 min away.
You get used to it after a while.
I say I live in a small town, but wow! It’s not that small!
It is something that just kills my brother when he comes to visit.
I guess I’ve lived all over too, (non-military) and the small town that I remember most fondly had it’s advantages and disadvantages, but I can’t imagine living in a town where the grocery is closed after 6pm and at 12 on Wednesday! While it might be good for planning purposes we’re constantly forgetting something and having to go back.
I originally come from Berlin, Germany. I am now in Vancouver, Canada. I came to Vancouver as a small child, so I really can’t imagine being anywhere else, especially since it’s so scenic here with the mountains and the ocean 🙂